Chapter 11

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(HI... ya i know i haven't uploaded in yonks , and i am horrified it took me this long to upload so i am really really really sorry for the delay i have just been so busy lately.... lets hope u can forgive me.)


And then I saw them.
The three beautiful vampires quickly descending on us.


Edward took a protective stance in front of me, growling softly. I leaned to my left looking out from behind Edward to see three Vampires standing about 20 feet away. I knew distance didn't matter. They could end up standing right in front of me in a second, before I could blink. There was two males and a female. One male had long light  brown hair tied back in a ponytail he was wearing an army jacket with no shirt and some torn jeans. The second male had dark skin with long black dreadlocks. He wore a browny/orange leather jacket and torn jeans also. The female had curly red hair that seemed to dance like flames in the wind. She wore a plain grey t-shirt with a fur jacket and torn jeans as well. They were all barefoot.

"I think I have something that belongs to you", the guy with dreads said to Carlisle, holding up a baseball. He had a slight french accent. In a flash he threw the ball quickly but Carlisle caught it without a problem. 

"thank you" Carlisle said politely.

"my name is Laurent, and this is Victoria and James.", Laurent said.

"well, its very nice to meet you." Carlisle said still polite as ever.

"yes, same goes for you, we were passing through the area when we heard you playing and we were wondering if we could join you?", Laurent asked smiling slightly.

"well some of us were just about to leave, you could take their place if you want?", Carlisle said.

"Fantastic", Laurent said grinning.

Then three, things happened at once, The wind changed direction, James sniffed the air and Edward froze.

"I see you brought a snack", James sneered going into a crouch.

Edward pushed me behind him, while his family formed a protective  stance in front of me.

"I see were not welcome here, lets go James."Laurent said in a firm tone.

James didn't move.

"James", Laurent said warningly.

James growled, but slowly got out of his crouch. The all backed away, still watching us, into the tree's.

A few seconds after they were gone, Edward lifted me up and ran towards the jeep. 

He put me in the passenger seat and strapped me in.

"Edward whats going on?", I said.

"James is a tracker, once he has his target he wont stop til he gets them. Once he smelt your blood he had to have you. This is all a big game for him." He said his face was a mask of anger and frustration. 

"What so he's after me now?", I asked

"Yes", Edward said through gritted teeth.

"What about Charlie? James will track my scent to the house! We have to go back!", I said, well practically yelled.

"we cant go back Bella, I'm taking you to Vancouver."

"Are you serious? Do you want charlie to die!", I exclaimed.

"Of course not Bella! all I want for you to be safe." He said softly. My heart melted.

"Edward please,"I said softly on the verge of tears,"I have a plan."

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