The Devil's Army

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I opened my eyes to my mom telling me to get up and go to school, this is the day I have been dreading of, It was my first day of high school. As I got out of my comfy bed I went straight to my closet to see what I was going to wear. I didn't have much so I decided on some skinny jeans and a Tshirt, I ate my breakfast and I was off to school.

When I first walked into the high school I could definitely tell the of the groups apart. There are the emos, the preppies, the jocks and my least favorite ,the populars. As I step foot into the high school I saw my best friend Sam which is about my height has blonde curly hair and is really sporty. As we walked down the hallway I heard some of the teachers talking about the world ending and other things like that, I really didn't think much of it.

I got to my first hour class which is Mrs.Shelly who teaches math, my worst subject. I recognized a few people in the room which were Jessica, Tim, and Ally they all went to middle school with me but, I don't even think they remembered me.

I sat down in the chair while Mrs.Shelly was talking about all of these different boring things so I just started to zone out. Then one of the teachers walked in and said that there is an emergency and Mrs.Shelly ran out of the room and slammed the door shut. All of the students just sat there with a clueless look on there faces'.

Ally was freaking out and started crying and Tim was trying to comfort her, we sat there for about 20 minutes and Mr.Scott came in the room and told us that we needed to evacuate the building as soon as possible.

We all stood up and started walking out the doors when a really tall guy which is wearing a black suit with padding on It and he had a black gas mask on came in. Mr.Scott told him that we have to get out of the building but the large man shoved us into the classroom and locked the doors. We all looked at each other in complete shock and dismay. Mr.Scott told all of us to get in the corner like we do in the lockdown drills. We were all smashed against the corner and we were extremely quiet.

We were probably in that dreadful corner for about an hour. One of the guys towards the back of the corner said we should go check it out. We all agreed so Mr.Scott got a pick and picked the door opened and he peeked around the corner and said that the coast was clear.

The whole class tiptoed out of the room and we started walking down the hallways when we saw Mrs.Shelly she was bending over and was walking extremely slow. Mr. Scott ran over to her and he put his arm around her back and turned her around.

The whole class was in shock over what we just saw. Mrs.Shelly had pitch black eyes, her hair was matted and she had blood running down her face. She looked right at Mr.Scott and Bit his arm off. We all started sprinting down the hallways as fast as we can, I looked behind us and saw about five teachers running after us. We found an empty room and threw the door opened and we all ran in the room and one of the guys shut the door and locked it.

We were all panting from all of the running that we Had just done. John which is one of the jocks started crying we were all in shock to see that the quarterback of the football team had tears running down his face. I went over to comfort him and we probably sat there for about an hour or two waiting for a teacher to come by and help us, after another hour passed we realized that nobody was coming to save us.

I knew that I had to do something to save us because nobody else was going to so, I went over to the file cabinet and ripped out one of the handles. I gave it to one of the girls and she asked me what it was for I looked her in the eye and told her that this is something that is going to save your life.

She looked back at me and shook her head in approval. All of the other students went around the room looking for more weapons. Everybody got a weapon and we were ready to face what was out that brown wooden door. We all stood in a single file line waiting for them to open the door. They unlatched the door and we sprinted as fast as we could.

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