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        Right when Sam fell to the ground I started to run towards her when I heard somebody yelling at the other people to shoot me. I knew that there was nothing else I could do for her so I turned around and started running towards the nearest house. When I opened the gate which lead to the backyard, I heard footsteps behind me. I didn't know who it was so I hid underneath the deck. As I was looking out into the yard I saw a familiar looking jeans... It took me a second to realilize who It was... It was the hot zombie from the school. I crawled out from underneath the deck, and right as he heard me he turned around facing me. I felt the "blood" heat up my cheeks. I was shocked when he actually started talking to me.

"Hey, I'm Zach." he said as he stuck out his hand

"Hi, I'm Brittney." I said as I cautiously shook his hand

"I heard you were coming out here to hunt... I was hungry and so I thought I would tag along. I hope you don't mind." 

"I don't mind at all." I gave him a small smile.

"So where is Sam?"

"As we were coming out of the tunnel the Enforcers shot her." I looked down at my feet trying to not show him how sad I was.

"I am so sorry, I didn't know." He walked over to me and gave me a hug

"It's okay, we all have to die sometime.. Some quicker than others." I smiled up at him

"True, well since we are already out here do you want to go hunt?"

"Sure." I felt my anxiety starting to rise knowing that in a little bit I would be eating innocent humans.

        Zach grabbed my hand and lead me to the gate. He told me to follow his lead and I did exactly what he told me. We were walking for what felt like 2 long hours when we walked up to a HUGE brown house. We both hid behind a bush as we saw two boys walk out of the house. They looked about my age, one of the boys was really tall and had dark brown hair. The other boy was short and stubby. I felt my feet start to get up and I started running towards the short boy and he when he saw me charging after him he tried to shoot me with his pistol but I quickly dodged it and I jumped on top of him, I sunk my teeth into his neck and ripped out a large piece of his skin, I never new humans tasted so good, I continued to eat when I heard Zach start running towards the larger boy,  he trampled him and used his finger nails to rip his stomach open, as he was digging in to his stomach he was practically shoving the meat into his mouth. When I had finished my meal I walked over to Zach

        "You must have been pretty hungry too." I said smiling because he was obviously enjoying his feast, He turned around and looked up at me and started to laugh, I quickly started to think about all of the things that could be wrong with me, is my zipper undone,  does my hair look like a tumbleweed, maybe its the fact that I am a pretty nasty looking zombie. All my confidence basically went through the drain. As Zach continued to laugh histarrically he made his way over to me. He stopped right infront of me, very close to me to be exact. He reached his hand towards my face, I started to painic because what if he kisses me?! I started to get excited but also nervous because I haven't kissed anybody in quite a long time, because my love life has been quite dead latley. As his face leaned closer to mine I closed my eyes ready for the sparks to fly. I had my eyes closed for what seemed like an eternity when I felt a delicate finger touch my cheek

"You have something on your face." I wanted to go crawl in a hole and die, oh wait I already am dead.. Anyways I was embaressed beyond belief. Zach wiped of the intestines off of my face and wiped them on his already dirty jeans. He looked me in the eyes and smiled 

"You know you are really cute when you are embarresed." He winked at me and grabbed my arm and started to walk towards an area of town I have never been to. 

"Where are we going?" I asked not having a clue at all of where we are

"It's a surprise." he gave me a playful smile and continued to lead the way, we had been walking for what had seemed like an hour when we arrived at our destination.. 

Authors note~ Sorry it took me so long to write this dang chapter! Well anyways I hope you like it. :)

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