The New Me

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~Okay, so I'm not really sure how to do this authors note thing so I am just going to wing it. The first part of this story was pretty serious, but I am going to switch gears and kind of make it a comedy/romance. I not sure how it will turn out but I am just going to go with it. -Brittney~

I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings, everything was a reddish yellow color. I stood up and walked over to the mirror which was toward the back of the room. Once I took one look at my hidious appearence I fell backwards onto the hard ground. I pulled my self up and looked into the mirror once again, when I realized what had happened to me... I had turned into a ZOMBIE! I definetly resembled a zombie. My curly brown hair was now matted with blood and looked like a rats nest, my eyes had huge bags under them, amd don't even get me started with my rotten and wrinkled skin. I had finally had enough looking at the new me.

  I didn't know how long I have been "asleep" so, I left the classroom and stepped out into the hallway. I looked to my right and saw 4 zombies running towards me, not thinking I started running away from them. Then I realized that I was a zombie too and I had no point running away from my fellow zombie friends. I stopped running and turned around and started walking towards my friends. Once I got to them I noticed that one of the zombies that was running after me was I best friend Sam! I went to hug her but since I am pretty much a rotten peice of trash my arm fell off. I bent down and picked up my arm and placed it back in its socket.

  I looked back up at Sam and she started talking to me. I totally zoned her out when I saw a greek god of a zombie walking up to me... he was more like limping towards me but whatever. Once he FINALLY got to me he smiled and put his hand out for a handshake, I grabbed his hand (I have a really strong handshake) and I accidently ripped his arm out of his socket! I looked down at the ground and handed him back his arm. He looked at me and chuckled. I smiled shyly amd turned around to Sam who was on the floor laughing so hard. I walked over to her kicked her in the stomach. She looked at me and laughed one last laugh and got up and locked my arm with hers as we started walking down the hallway.

  We were having a really good time until I noticed that I was starving! I told Sam that I was hungry and she told me that there was a hole on the side of the building that I could crawl through. She also said that I would have to be careful because the school is still surrounded. I asked her if she would go with me and she nodded and smiled at me. Once we got to the hole she went first while I quickly followed behind her.

  Once we got to the end of the hole Sam slid out and stuck out her hand and I grabbed it and she pulled me out. I looked around and saw that there were people everywhere with machine guns. Sam looked at me and she told me to go first. I nodded and started running, now that I am a zombie I can run 10x faster. I was about halfway there when I heard a gun shot. I whipped around as I saw my best friend in the whole world fall to the ground with a bullet in her head.

~ I know it was really short but I didn't know what else to write... Sooo yeah hope you liked it! -Brittney~

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