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dear father,
first things first, who are you? where are you? why didn't you stick around?
nobody really knows who you are, you're just a blank line on my birth certificate. 'Father- None Named.' your name should be there. what is your name? what do you look like? do I have your nose, your mouth, your hair? what part of me is you?
I know mother has made mistakes. you were one of them, and so was I, but I was a happy mistake, a pleasant surprise.
you were one of a few at the time, which is why even mother never knew which lover you were. mother never told anyone the names of her lovers.
father, did you hurt my mother? was she just a one night stand, or did you care for her? how did you two meet? did she make you laugh?
why didn't you stick around, father? do you even know of my existence? if you do, do you ever think of me, and how come you've never visited?
father, do I have siblings? do I have a step mother? do they know of me? what about my grandparents? who are they?
dear father,
I long to ask you these questions. if only I knew who you were.

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