you always see old people in movies and books sitting around a fire telling stories to bug-eyed toddlers, but honestly I don't think that happens anymore. The elderly don't tell the newest, youngest generation about doing the Jitterbug with those high school friends they'll never see again but never forget, but why not? I think it would be one of those 'small but important' pleasures in life to tell kids about that one time you swung on a boy's homemade swing in his front lawn, and he pushed you so high your dirty converse seemed to punch holes in the sky. I think telling stories from the heart while watching the eyes of children gleam with anticipation would be such a great experience.
Poetrysure, my heart is fragile, but my mind is strong. sure, I talk quietly, but I will stand for what I think is right. sure, I'm a softie, but there's bravery in being soft.