when morning comes it brings the sun

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Emily's P.O.V. (The night before)

  As I was dragged to Hades throne room I expected the worst. I knew that he had beaten Rylie many times in that room and I didn't think my time there was going to be any different. I knew Rylie would have gladly taken the beating like she normally did but I wanted to do something for once. I wanted to protect her like she had protected some of the other mutants.

  "Why would she do that for her?" I could hear the whispers of the other mutants as if they were right beside me. "Rylie's a freak."

  "Maybe she's a freak as well. You know she's been talking to Rylie."
  "That is true. Maybe Rylie brainwashed her just like she did to the last person who talked to her."

  But the last thing I heard was one sensible voice. "Or maybe Emily knew her before she got here." With that I smiled and stopped listening. I wanted to focus on that instead of whatever else the others had to say.

  "So I understand that you knew Rylie before she came here?" Hades asked me as he sat down in his throne. I nodded as a memory flashed in my mind. Her brothers had taken us to the park when we were younger. On the way back they gave us piggyback rides and Rylie had decided that it would be a smart idea to cover Gilbert's eyes. They ended running into a pole because of that.

  "Well I'll be straight with you. I have no intentions on hurting you this time. I'm just going to keep you here and see how long it takes the brat to react." Hades said and I knew he was talking about Rylie.

  "What do you have against her? All she wants is to get out of here and protect the ones who are here even if they don't give a crap about her." I said or more like yelled. I wanted to know why he hurt her so badly. Why he kept her here all these years when she could have been home with her brothers.

  "You see, I'll let you in on a little secret. Everyone here didn't die, they simply broke." Hades said and I looked at him questioningly.

  "What do you mean 'they broke'?"

  "I mean that their spirits were shattered. They were here until they finally excepted the fact that they were never going home and then they were simple to take over from there. It's a bit weird if you think about it though, each person was here for a year or two before they broke. Besides Rylie that is." Hades said and I tried not to attack him for what he's done to all those innocent people.

  "But you see, Rylie intrigues me. She's been here for eight years and even forgot what she had to live for. And yet, she managed to stay together. I'm sorry but, I don't think that's going to last much longer." Hades said and motioned behind me.

  I turned to see a video camera pointed right at Rylie through someone else's cage. She was staring blankly at the wall, correction she was staring at the clock. As she stared she was hitting her head lightly against the wall behind her. I knew she regretted not being able to do anything to protect me.

  "Let me go to her." I said turning back to Hades. He simply shook his head and I ran at him. I was about a foot away when two Valkyries grabbed me. I may be strong but I wasn't strong enough to fight off a Valkyrie. Unlike Rylie who almost was.

  "Tie her up." Hades said and they quickly did so. As they tied me up I took count of how many ropes they used. Sixty, they used fifty-nine for my body and one for my mouth. Then they sat me beside Hades and made my watch as Rylie slowly started to break.

  Rylie's P.O.V. (Next morning)

  It's been four hours since I woke. Emily's still not back yet. I was starting to freak out because of the thoughts of what could have happened to her. I couldn't lose her. Not when she was the only thing I had good in this hell hole.

  "Rylie?" I heard a voice asked from my right. I looked over to see Mia looking at me, concern shining in her eyes. It was weird having someone looking at me with that much concern. I hadn't even gotten used to Emily looking at me like that.

"What mate?" I asked her. I looked away from the clock and looked at her. If I didn't find something to distract me I'd end up driving myself insane. After eight years in this place I should be able to last a bit longer.

"Hades is taunting you." She said as if she were in a daze. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow but she didn't seem to notice. She was staring off in space but it looked as if she was watching something I couldn't see. "Give him what he wants."

"Mia are you insane? I'm not going to give into someone who's beaten me for eight years of my life. He made me forget my family and he made me forget Emily. I'm not going to give the one who made my life a living get hell what he wants." I spat at her. I didn't know what she was getting at but I wasn't going to listen to her.

"Oh but can't you see, Hades deserves every thing he wants. If he wants you to break, break you shall." She said and I just shook my head. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through my brain. I winced and looked over to see Mia smiling ear to ear.

"Stop it." I told her. She just shook her head and some how her smile grew. The pain intensified and I let out a small scream and grabbed my head. Mia started to laugh and I struggled to make out what she was saying.

"You'll never see your brothers again. Emily doesn't care about you and she rather die than see you again." Mia snarled.

Emily. She gave me hope in this dark hell hole. She helped me remember what I left behind. She gave me something to live for. She gave me hope.

Emily was my sunshine in this retched place.


Hey juicebox55555 here. And I'm taking over Emily's story. Don't worry I have permission and this story will stay on her account. She'll probably (I hope) will at least put her impute in every now and then. That is all so have a nice day.

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