So much feels

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After that night Dipper and Mabel got home flushed,happy,and worried.Their mother asked them a bunch of questions,but was mostly tired and decided to sleep it off.They crept up to their room in silence.After what happened at the club they avoided each other,on their way back Mabel tripped and fell,so Dipper helped her but as they both stood up they practically jumped 3 feet high,they were so close. Mabel laughed awkwardly and brushed it off.

The twins entered their own rooms, as Mabel was opening the door she looked at her brother and he looked back, she only took a glimpse before blushing violently and slamming the door shut.

Mabel and and Mabel....MY SISTER! we...we...》 "Argh!" Dipper groaned quietly to himself.He stood up and took the journal out,and decided to read for the rest of the night til he was tired. Even though Dipper tried forgetting everything that occured that night he still replayed the moment again and again and again in his head,still feeling her lips on his,and the way she tasted like sweet bubblegum for some reason.He remembered the way she looked at him,as if she really...really liked him. 《It was perfect...》He thought later to receive a smack from himself.

I was woozy, she was woozy,we were both tired and the placed did seem like the kind wear they pump in weird substances through the a/c...I didn't know what I was saying or doing...》He stood up and paced around his room,thinking and thinking.

What have we done!? How am I going to look at her in the eyes tomorrow?!》Dipper was so angry cause he was so confused. Was it ok for him to do what he did? 《Of course not man! She's your sister!

Without knowing it ,he was already heading towards his door,and placing his hand on the door knob.He stared at it for a while and sighed deeply. 《Then why do I want to kiss her so badly again....》defeated ,he plopped down on his bed and tried to get some sleep.《Some things can't be fixed...and this is one of them.》

Mabel heard the pacing and the grunts from the other side of her wall but she didn't dare to go out and  check on her brother.She was loosing her mind. 《Ew! I kissed him, he kissed me! We-we kissed!...》she made herself into little human ball,pulling her legs up and wrapping her arms around them.

"Mabel this is sooo not a brotherly love,that was an accident...heh,yeah an accident.Nothing wrong with that...accidents happen...clumbsy Mabel tripped and that's what happened."

The female twin whispered to herself,as she rocked back and forth. All senses were lost, all she felt was fear, confusion,panick,and...wanting.She wanted her brother, she wanted him to hold her and to tell her it'll be all right but she couldn't face him right then and there.Mabel pressed her fingers to her lips remembering everything.She hit her forehead with her hand.

He's my brother!...I grew up with him, I've watched him pee himself,pick his boogers,make a big deal out of everything...I-i've watched him...c-cry...and...and laugh...and the way he smiles when he finds something he's been looking was the same way he looked at me when we...》she felt the urge to bust into his room and just talk about what happened,talk about what they said to each other,what they...felt.But a sudden realization hit her.

Marc...what happened to him....when did he leave?

Mabel quickly grabbed her phone and looked at the time.... 2:47 a.m

《Crud,it's too late 》

The next morning a very nervous Mabel walked out of her room,avoiding her brother completely since the memory of what happened was still very fresh in her mind.As she walked down the stairs she mentally prayed for Dipper to be in the bathroom. When she entered the kitchen there was no sign of Dipper anywhere.

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