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Ok so this is a new story I've been working on for a while now and I finally decided to upload it. I hope you guys like it:) And this dedication is for @xx1DNiallerzxx she tried very hard to make me a book cover for this story but in the end I figured out how to make it myself. But I promised her that I would dedicate this first part to her so here it is:)

Justin Bieber and Samantha Pierce have been best friends since they were toddlers. They would always stick up for each other if someone tried to bully them. They were inseparable and growing up their moms would always make jokes on how they would end up together in high school or college.

But that all changed when Justin left to live out his dream at the age of fourteen. Sam was proud and supportive of everything that Justin had accomplished, but it didn’t stop the cruel words at school. Sam hadn’t changed much since middle school; she was a straight A student, always wore her much loved black pair of converse, a pair of Levi’s, and an oversized superhero shirt or sweater. Her sparkling green eyes never shone as bright as they could behind her glasses and had a smile she rarely showed off. Her light brown hair just barely reached her bra clasp and she had a habit of twirling her hair in her fingers when she was tired or bored.

When Justin made it big Sam asked him to keep her out of the spotlight, she got enough hate at school but she never complained to Justin about it. Even if it was somehow brought up she would brush it off and make it seem like it was no big deal. On the inside Sam was falling apart, the harsh and cruel names the bullies called her tore her down little by little. She tried writing it all out in a journal and still writes in it often just in case one day she gets to her ultimate low and ends it all. People would know why she did it; people would see the slow progression of how she crumbled into the small piece of a person she is today.

Sam always puts up a front to her mom that way she wouldn’t worry. She doesn’t feel like she deserves anyone pity or help, even if it is coming from someone who claims they love her unconditionally. The depression got worse when her dad died of stage four colon cancer when she was sixteen. Every smile, laugh, or tear felt fake, she couldn’t feel and it drove her insane. So one night after a hard day she picked up a knife and for the first time she felt something. Everyone moved on with their lives like nothing had happened. She saw the world moving at a fast pace around her and she just wanted to scream at it to stop.

If anything the bullying got worse after her father’s death, she didn’t know why the “popular” cheerleaders or jocks decided to target her in the first place. She was alone without her best friend to be there to protect her. She never blamed Justin, he was happy and seeing him happy for a while is what gave her the will to live. She lived for the call she got every weekend from him, because for that ten to twenty minutes all that mattered was him. She never replaced Justin, she was too shy and quiet to make friends. Maybe that’s why she was bullied, because she was a loner with no friends. Nearly twice a week Sam would turn to her razor or knife to feel control over something in her life.

Senior year was coming to a close, only a month left of school and she could finally leave this dreaded high school and go off to college. Her new year’s resolution was that when the next school year started and she got her fresh start she would remake herself and have friends in college. With scars on her wrists she thought that it might be a small challenge but as long as she kept them covered she would be fine.

She was eager to leave the life that has made her feel so small and insignificant, the reason she still cut, the reason she was depressed, the reason as to why she would become so overwhelmed by stress it would be hard to breathe. She has kept her secret for nearly two years now, and today she woke up and did her morning routine like she always had. Little did she know that today the bullying would go too far and the perfect façade she showed her mom, Justin and anyone else would come crumbling down.

Spiraling (a Justin Bieber Fanfic) [SLOW UPLOAD]Where stories live. Discover now