Chapter 1

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A/N: Ok chapter 1 of my new story I hope you guys like it. This is dedicated to DisturbedBeauty for softening my heart to be able to like Justin and be able to stand the thought of him. So here is to my eye opener

May, 3, 2012: Stratford, Ontario, Canada 6:30am

Sam walks down the hall way to the kitchen where she can hear her mom making breakfast. Today she decided to dress in an Iron Man long sleeve t-shirt that was a bit big on her, a pair of Levi’s and her white converse. She had her dirty blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and her glasses sat on the brim of her nose. She was comfy and that’s all that mattered. She walks onto the kitchen to be greeted by the smell of eggs and toast.

“Morning mom” Sam says giving her mom a peck on the cheek.

“Good morning sweetheart, sleep well?” her mom asks. Sam actually slept pretty well compared to most nights. Before she had showered the night prior she gave herself a few new cuts on her right wrist. She had been doing so well; she had gone nearly two weeks without cutting. She was trying to stop because she knew if her mom or Justin ever found out they would kill her. But the release of feeling the blade tear her skin, the high she would get seeing red surface, she was addicted to it. She didn’t want to give it up but if she didn’t kill herself she knew Justin definatly would.

“I slept fine mom” Sam lied. Last night she had very few nightmares and for once she didn’t wake up in the middle of the night scared out of her mind.

“Is everything alright?” her mom asks putting down a plate of eggs and toast in front of her. It was a question her mom asked every morning, a few months ago she was tipped off by the school’s principal that Sam was being bullied. She tried to reassure her that it was no big deal and that she was just ignoring them but she didn’t completely believe her daughter. So now Sam get the same stream of questions every morning.

“Mom everything is fine I promise” Sam says taking a bite out of her eggs trying to reassure her mother. She had kept up this façade for too long and she wasn’t going to let anyone know the darkest part of her that she is ashamed of. They both sit in silence for the remainder of breakfast eating their eggs and toast. Sam finishes before her mom and walks over to put her plate in the sink.

“I have to get going, I love you mom” Sam says giving her mom a quick hug and kiss before grabbing her backpack and gym bag.

“Why do you always get going so early?” her mom asks.

“Because Mrs. Kaminski is there at seven and lets me use her dance floor remember?” she says patting her dance bag.

“That’s right, have fun I love you sweetie” Her mom says blowing Sam a kiss. Sam smiles and runs out the garage door to her car.


Sam drives her white Acura to school and parks in her usual spot in the back of the parking lot. She heads straight to the dance room that was close to the back of the parking lot. She walks in to the art building to find the dance room unlocked as usual.

“Good morning Mrs. Kaminski” Sam yells as she drops her bags near the mirror.

“Good morning Sammie how are you?” there are three people that called Sam Sammie. Justin, her mom and Mrs. Kaminski are those three people. It just sounded weird when Mrs. Kaminski called her Sam or Samantha.

“I’m doing ok mind if I play?” Sam asks. Sam may be shy and unsocial but she did get along with a few teachers, but Mrs. Kaminski was her all-time favorite.

“You are always welcome to play darling I’ll just be in my office?” Mrs. Kaminski says walking back into her office. Sam pulls off her converse and jeans not really caring if anyone saw her because she had on her dance shorts underneath. She pulls her tape out of her bag and wraps her left knee to give it extra support. She pulls her iPod out of her bag and plugs it in to the stereo system. She takes her glasses off even though she can barely see without them but she doesn’t need to see to dance.

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