Chapter 9

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James POV:

I had the police trace back the numbed and find the location. I wanted to go get her but they forced me to stay back that the officers in Florida will handle it. Gosh I hope she is alright.

God I should have been with here! If I was with her none of this would happen! What if he is hurting her or the kids? What if he raped her? Who would rape a pregnant women? I'm such a horrible boyfriend!

I called Jenn over she helped me calm down.

"James Idina's strong. She will make sure the kids are safe ok." Jenn said.

"She's pregnant! How the hell can she fight being pregnant. God! Imagine the things he doing/did to her! This is all my fault!" I yelled in frustration.

"James! Breath! Relax! Let's go get some fresh air." Jenn suggested.

"I'm sorry, you're right lets get fresh air." I got my coat and walked around the city with Jenn.

Idina POV:

I kept praying James was figuring out something to get the kids and I away from Taye. I acted as if I did nothing wrong.

Taye wouldn't let me leave the room at all. He said people would recognize me but I'm not even that famous. I'm no where near famous as Kim K. He probably thought I would ask someone for help.

The Perfect One;Unbroken;Cue The Rain~Never Been Hurt ~ Idina Menzel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now