Au Revior: Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 (Final chapter)

"I am really sorry." I heard Oliver said for the 4th time and it makes me so tired of the mess I had made out of myself.

Then there was silence between us.

"It has been a long time since George became your best buddy, the timing you realized everything is just so wrong."

It still hurts, but I can't help but pity him.

I try to imagine myself in his shoes, how would I react? I mean, knowing that this person you have been with all your life is dead and the chances that she might live is very slim.

Life is so f**ked up.

"Oliver!" I heard a girl shouted his name as she run to our direction.

"Sandra?" Oliver asked as he stood.

"I know I have to say this." She said with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"George might not want me blurting this all out," she paused as she looked at her body in the ICU bed. "But, she might not live. And I know that is horrible but we can never be too sure, so I might as well give you this."

Then she produced a neatly folded paper and handed it to Oliver.

"She drove under the raging storm to your set to tell you something, but I found this page in her diary and I know you deserve to read it."

Shock was all Oliver had.

"She will not die Sandra." He said with a tinge of anger and doubt at the same time.

I cleared my throat making sure they know that I am still here.

Oliver met my eyes as I stood, "I know you both need to talk alone so I have to go."

They just both nodded in agreement, just like zombies.

Too exhausted and too emotional.

I just gave them a smile and went into Eris' ICU.

Tito Henry was asleep on a nearby couch, only the sound of the machines and the air condition can be heard.

Soon it will the Christmas Eve, but here we are too weary about our own problems.

Nothing felt so merry.

I looked at him. He looked so lifeless. Will he wake up and greet me with that smile I have always loved? Or is he gonna be like George?

I cringed at the thought.

It hurts to know that Oliver just don't feel the same way. I know he just did what was right, but still knowing the truth hurts.

Knowing that he loves George more than he does love me is a huge slap in the face.

We already talked, but I still am not very sure of these feelings inside of me.

Do I still love this guy lying in his ICU bed or is he the one waiting for a miracle for his best friend?

Should I turn my back on Oliver? If I do, I know that he won't be hurt. I am not a loss to him. And it still hurts me. A lot.


But if I choose Eris, is he still willing to love me again after everything? After I have walked away from his life?

Seriously, what have I done to myself?

I did so many things, I had so much mistakes. Could he still forgive me?

I held onto his hand, they say even at times like this the patient can still hear you.

"Eris. I don't know what I have done, but all I know is that I am so confused. I can't just be like Oliver, I can't just say I want to give up on him. But I can never compete with George."


"I don't even know why I am saying such nonsense right now."

His hands moved, I felt it held tight to mine. I felt a surge of joy and bitterness at the same time.

I quickly shook tito Henry awake and he went to call the doctor.


"Eris? Can you hear me?" I asked as his eyes fluttered open. He met my eyes then a small smile escaped his lips.

My heart swelled wih joy and soon tears were falling down my cheeks. I quickly kissed his forehead and hugged him lightly.

And in that moment something inside of me snapped into a realization.

Of course. How could I have been so dumb?

"Eris. I am so sorry." I said once more. "I know saying such words aren't enough. Please do forgive me for everything."

Soon tito Henry came back with a doctor and the nurse that helped me. She smiled reassuringly to me.

I quickly stepped aside and let them do their job.

They ran tests on him and a check up.

They now removed the unnecessary equipments and he just remained with an IV and something that supports his injured leg.

"Excuse me Eris, I know Karen and you need to do some talking. I'll just go smoke outside." He said with a teasing smile.

"Hey." He said as he reached for my hand.

"Hi." I responded as I squeezed his hand.

"What time is it?"

"It's already quarter to 10." I asked as I gave him a confused look.

"Oh, I thought it's Christmas already." He said with a light smirk on his lips.

What's the matter with this guy?

"Because Santa already delivered to me my wish for Christmas." Okay. Seriously.

Shoot. I felt my face go red and my smile can't help but go wide.

"Seriously Eris?" I asked with the still wide smile on my face.

"What's the matter? Too cheesy?" He asked as he pulled me to sit by his side.

"Not really, it's actually one of the reasons I love you." I said meaning every word.

But at the same time, I was also shocked.

"You love me?" His face full of same expressions at the same time.

But I know he is still bitter, even a little.

"I guess I do, but Eris can we start all over again? I know it's too much to ask from you."

There was silence as we sat beside each other.

Ugh. Stupid. I shouldn't have said that. Of course the wound is still fresh and here I go, jumping on decisions.

I assume that he is ready after I rip him apart and appear back into his life in an instant.

"Eris just tell me the answer whenever you feel ready, I will wait. And it's okay whatever your answer will be."

Then he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you Karen."

I guess au revior wasn't permanent after all.

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