Predators // Hinata's pov

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Hinata's pov:

The night was clear with millions of stars that lit up the night sky before the Predators came...

I was walking home with my volleyball when suddenly my phone went off.

"Ohiyo!" I beamed when I answered my phone.

"Hinata, hurry come home! It's all over the news right now!" I could tell that my mom was panicing, by the way it shook through my cell phone. I picked up my pace when I knew what was happening."Is it happening right now!?"

"Yes it is, we already have our things packed up, just hurry Hinata!"

I said a quick good-bye, and ran as fast as I could, dropping my volleyball that I held.

I won't be needing that anymore...

"It has been verified by scientists that there is an upcoming invasion. Now can you please go into further detail about the invasion Dr. Mari."

"Well we have found unusual activity going on under the Earth's crust. When we checked what could be going on down there with infrared waves, we saw something bone chilling. We were at loss with words."

"What was it that you found?"

"Millions of moving bodies in some sort of incubators, in each continent, except for Antarctica. We couldn't identify the bodies. They are an unknown species to us, but there are without a doubt, taller than us. They have two long legs to move around at alarming speeds. Their arms are also longer than our arms with ten inch claws. We know for sure that these things are predators, and are built to be at the top of the food chain."

"When do you think they will come out?"

"We don't know for right now."

"What have you guys named them?"


Warning sirens were going off, and they were roaring throughout our town. The loud noise made me run faster, while my stomach churned.

This is happening, this is really happening.

"Everyone please get to your designated shelters. This is not a drill."

The instructions were repeated several times while people were running out of their houses in panic.

Since I was watching the chaotic scene I tripped, and twisted my ankle in the process. I cried out in pain, but still got up, and limped to my house. When the house became visible in the distance, my dad came running out to me.

"Are you okay?!" My dad yelled when he got closer to me.

"I twisted my ankle!" I shouted back to him while I gasped for air.

When he got closer, he picked me up, and ran me over to the family's car. He put me inside in the back of the car, and slammed the door shut, then he ran to the other side of the car, and drove out of the driveway.

Mom snapped her head back to see me. She was shaking with chewed up lips. "Are you okay? What took you so long?"

My little sister Nastu cried softly while I answered mom. "I twisted my ankle."

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