Predators // The Raven

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Kageyama, and I walked deep into the cool forest on Hibara lake's island. Birds were chirping which was surreal, considering the fact that the world basically ended. 

I took a deep breath of the warm earthen smell beneath my feet, that stirred a mixture of emotions within me. The incompatible feelings of tranquil, and grief clashed against each other which made me lightheaded, becuase my subconscious shoved away the un-welcomed temperate atmosphere that made me feel that everything was alright, when everything wasn't.

My lip trembled at the thought of how Natsu would have been enjoying the serene scenery. She would have been holding my hand while she tugged me along to find something peculiar to watch in transfixed silence right now. Then her brown eyes would have rounded in captivation if she found something that caught her attention.

I am never going to see her doing that again.

My legs seized to walk at the sudden thought. I shut my eyes, and tilted my head to the side to keep myself from crying. My hands balled up into tightly closed fists while I tried to think of something else, but the more I tired, the more my mind gave me memories of Natsu, and when I lost control of my own thoughts, memories of my mom and dad followed afterwards.

Then their screams invaded my mind like the Predators did to the Earth.

"Oi," It was simple, but it got me to stop thinking all at once. I felt myself being pulled into a secured embrace, and my eyes flung open. "I know that I promised not to touch you again, but you looked like you needed something to stop you from thinking of the very things that is making you hurt." My eyebrows drew together upon another realization.

He is nothing like him.

My arms hesitantly reached up to return the hug, but they stopped from inclination of what happened years ago that I don't like to recall. Instantly I pushed Kageyama away while I smiled, and exclaimed "I am okay! Let's keep going, don't worry about me." I walked away quickly while I rubbed off my tears only to have heard "Wrong way." I spun around, and put a hand behind my neck, and smiled brightly while I laughed at my anxious state. "Of course!"

I walked past Kageyama, thinking that I was going the correct way, but I came to a stop when Kageyama held onto the back of my shirt, to keep me from going onward. "Breath." He ordered me, and I realized that my chest was heaving up, and down, so I closed my eyes, and did what I was told to do, and breathed in the same stupid scent that caused me to be so fretful.

"Focus on my voice, and close your eyes." Kageyama's voice lulled, that attracted my attention, and I obeyed. 

"Now repeat after me. Small, and fragile it may be."

It soars high in the sky, where it is free.

It's cautious, and smart, it never gives up. 

It may be little, but it has a big heart.

Its fearless, but caring, what could it be?

It seems to be the raven above in the tree." 

When I finished saying the little poem, I open my eyes to fix them on Kageyama. After I did, he then turned to point at a raven that was ironically up in a tree, and was calling out for it's kind. After a few seconds, some more ravens joined the lonely black bird, and they sat perched on the tree's limbs. "There are reasons why we call ourselves the Raven. Even though we seem small, and fragile, we are fearless warriors who never gives up. It is our human nature to fight for what is right. Did you know that we are intelligent creatures?" A sly smile played upon Kageyama's lips at his smartassed question.

"No I did not." I join in with pure sarcasm. 

"Well, we are very intelligent, and so are ravens. They are the smartest birds to exist on this planet, and they have human characteristics. That is why we call ourselves the Raven, becuase we have so much in common with the bird." Kageyama said while he gazed at the birds up above.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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