An Introvert's Somewhat Poetic Rant

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Yes I'm an introvert

I prefer being alone over socializing

But there are many things people assume that us introverts aren't

For starters

We are not less brave than extroverts

We enjoy some time around people

But it drains us

After a long session we just need some time to recharge

We cherish our time alone

If we start closing off we're just done for the day

We get overwhelmed from socialization and can break down occasionally

Books make great company

So do laptop screens with Tumblr open

So please

If we don't want to come don't take it personally

We don't hate you

Small talk is boring to us

Tell us the real dirt

We feel alone in crowds and can get very intense while focusing

Speeches in front of many people are less stressful than conversation with the people after

We tend to think more than we say

Talking on the phone stresses us out

Overall, we just want our alone

And this world isn't meant for that


Anything to add comment it here

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