Twenty One Forever and Always

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A/N So i don't really do authors notes before chapters but I jus am going to say since that no commented on my chapter.....I will be making up Phil's girlfriend... it's cuz you guys hate me isn't it.. :'( naw jk I don't care! kk this chappie is suuuuper short but sorry! I'm just trying to get to the point! kk love ya's! now to za story shall we!


"Wake up Ari!" Paige smiles gleely.

"Ok, i'm up!" I grunt.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Just get dressed!" She squeals.

"Omigod! What?" I ask stubbornly.

"Can't tell you." She smiles pretending to lock her lips.

"Don't make me read your mind!" I warn.

"HUUUUUHHH! You promised you'd never do that!" She gasps'.

"I know....but if it comes down to it." I joke.

She sends me daggers.

"OK OK I surrender!" I laugh.

I manifest some leggings and a flannel, with a black scarf and Toms.

"Ready!" I cheer.

"Ok! Chloe come on!" She yells.

Chloe comes out and grabs my hand pulling my out the door.


Paige drives up to a park.

What the fluff?

"Come on!" She insists'.

I hop out and follow Paige and Chloe. They lead me to a big Willow tree, and we walk through the branches and into thr center of the tree. I gasp. Sitting there with candles all around is Finn in a tuxedo and he is smiling at me.

"F-finn! What are you doing here?" I squeal hugging him.

"I couldn't stay any longer. You are more important than any job!" He smiles cheekily at me.

"I-I love you!" I stutter.

Even though we already know we love each other, it's never really been spoken. Finn looks shocked than happy.

"I love you too. .

"Ariana....Will you do me the most amazing honor and marry me?"

I well up with tears and I nod, "Of course!'' I cry.

He slips the beautiful ring on my finger and I hug him.

We are about to kiss before my eyes bolt open and I look around. I was just dreaming.....why can't that happen in real life?

~Finn's POV~

I sit in my chair looking out into the sky through my tiny window. I'm on my way back to Manchester. I can't be that far from Ari that long.

I pop my earbuds in and i tap along to the beat.

Thankfully the airplane ride wasn't full, so I have no one sitting next to me.

I hear a muffles voice and pull out my earbuds. The speaker is on and the flight attendant is saying that we are landing soon. I give off a slight smile. Just think in thirty minutes i'm going to be in Ariana's arms.

I get my baggage and hail a taxi, telling him out apartment number.

We finally reach it and I see that Paige's car is here....guess they are having a sleepover.

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