Chapter Twenty-Four PINKY'S UP

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Finn's POV

it's been eleven months since Aurora was born and she looks like a four year old toddler! (pic on side)>>>

She grows faster each day, I won't bee surpirsed if in one more month she's like seven!

We are currently walking down the streets of Manchester with Aurora wearing her colorful hat and rain boots, and coat. I am hold in her hand and Ariana is holding her other hand. We swing her back and forth while she flies in the air for a little bit. She laughs more and more with each swing and she is screaming "Again! Again! Again!"

We giggle and swing her again.

I look at the sky and here thunder rolling in. Suddenly a feel a raindrop on my forehead.

"Looks like shopping trip has been cut short." I say.

It rains harder now and Ari picks Aurora up and we try to walk faster to the flat which is a block away.

Ari looks to see if anyone is around and once the coast is clear we run full speed to the flat. In a matter of seconds we are at our flat door.

I smile and mentally unlock the door. Being immortal is so much easier.

I set Aurora in her chair and I get her a bowl of dry cheerios.

"Rory do you want to play with your dolls?'' Ari asks in her baby voice. We nicknamed her Rory.

"Yeah!" She sqeaks and grabs her bowl and tottles into her room with Ariana.

"Daddy!!" She yells.

"Yes Rory?'' I giggle.

"Can you get me orange juuuce pwease!" She says.

"Of course." I yell back.

For a four year old she is very polite and articulate.

I fill her sippy-cup with orange juice and bring it to her.

"daddy we are hawing a tea party! Come join!" She giggles.

"Well if you insist." I chuckle.

"our spwecial guest Ariel is here today!" She smiles looking at her stuffed animal bear we got her.

"I'm honor to be dining with such a special guest." Ari smiles.

" gwab your cups and sip!!! But don't fowget...Pinkys up!" She says jabbing her tiny pinky in the air.

I laugh and put my pinky out too.

Then I remember talking to Jack and he said he's going to be here at noon, which should be any minute now.

Then there is a knock the door.

"HHuuuuh!!! Rory guess who that is?" I ask inn my baby voice.

"Santa?" She asks cocking her head to the side.

"No! Uncle Jack and Aunt Chloe are here!" I say all excitedly. Chloe and Jack just got married a week ago.

The biggest grin spreads on her face and she squeals, "Uncle JACK!!"

I open the door and she runs up and hugs his leg.

"Hello pumpkin!" Jack smiles picking her up and throwing her in the air and catching her.

She giggles uncontrolably and hugs him.

"Cwoe!!!" She smiles looking at Chloe and she reaches out for her to carry her.

"How has my little princess been doing?" She smiles.

"Ex-ce-ding-ly." She says slowly.

"WOW!" Chloe says looking shocked.

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