Chapter One

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I walk into school with a black eye and broken nose. I know I am not popular, but I am nice to people and help them when I can, so when I walk in like a zombie, because of my injuries, they notice.

When it comes to it, I am the person people know they can divulge their secrets too, get good advice, and keep their secrets safe. My only enemies are the "pops" popular kids, but they just ignore me. Everyone knows I have it bad at home and that makes them feel better about themselves, which I don't really mind. 

I only own five sets of clothes, but I make sure to wash them frequently, and take showers every night.... in the river. Just because I'm as poor as dirt doesn't mean I have to smell like it. 

My schedule goes like this, I get up, make myself bathe, get dressed and go to school. No breakfast, we are too poor for breakfast because my dad wastes all our income drinking. We can only afford dinner, so I am grateful for school. It gives me eight hours away from my dad and a free lunch. I learn, I actually study, do my homework, ace my classes, and go home to my personal Hell. 

I'm a quiet person, I eat alone, read books during lunch, only talk when being asked a question, I try to be the best person I can be. I help people who struggle in class, help old ladies cross the street, just try to be good. When I go home, I hide. Sometimes he doesn't come home, but when he does I get a guaranteed beating, except this time he went too far. He left obvious marks, I even have his hand print on my arm. I've been waiting for this moment, as soon as I walk into class I will ask my teacher to see the nurse. She will agree because of my present condition, I will go to the nurse's office who will wince and examine me completely. Then she will consult with the counselor who I have visited a lot, she knows what was going on but we needed evidence. Then they will tell me that social services will pick me up after school and BAM I'm free at last!!! 

I shuffle into the class and all heads turn my way, I don't have to act out the pain, I'm not that type of person, I simply walk to my seat at the back of the class. Only I accidentally bump into a desk on my way and groan in pain. 

"Hope, are you all right?" My teacher asks in genuine concern, she is a true exception and an angel sent to me from whatever god is out there. 

"No, ma'am" I barely manage, yeah, my throat is swollen from him choking me. 

"Go ahead and go to the nurse's office dear, don't worry about my class." She says, all ready writing a pass as I knew she would.

I slowly, and painfully may I add, walk to her desk and take the slip. Sending her a grateful look and shuffling off again, like a penguin. Here is the worst part, the nurse is going to close the door and windows and ask me to strip everything but my bra and my underwear so she can see the total damage, and I will show her. 

I enter the nurse's office, we met earlier today, so she is literally prepared for me, she knew I would end up here. The windows are closed and the key to the door is in her hand so she can lock it. I take a deep, rattling breath and penguin my way to her office. 

"Sit down dear, been waiting a while for evidence huh?" She asks sadly, shaking her head at my poor abused state.  I know I look bad, I look like I've been killed and dumped in the river to swell up.  "I'll be right back, don't move." She says exiting the room.

Huh? Why'd she leave? Then I hear them, the principal, counselor, and nurse, all talking quietly about my state of well being. I can hear them though, my ears are the one thing that isn't hurting.

"We need to call an ambulance, police, and social services. We can't leave her to that monster of a father anymore, she's given us her accounts, and now we have evidence. Our duty as a school is to do the right thing for our students, Hope needs help, we need to give it to her." The counselor states firmly.

"Let me see the full extent of the damage first, then we can see what she wants to do and we can proceed from there." The nurse says gently.

"Alright, we'll do that. Hurry though." The principal decides.

The nurse steps back into the room, "Sorry for the wait." She closes and locks the door, for safekeeping the principal and counselor will be watching through the security camera. She smiles sadly, "You know what to do, strip all your clothes excluding your bra and underwear. I need to see the full extent of your injuries." I nod, I want to warn her, but... I don't need to delay anymore, just reveal it so I can get it over with. 

I take off my shirt and pants and stand up straight. She is a professional so she doesn't gasp in horror, but she does wince and take out a notebook.  

Here is how I look like: broken nose, black eye, swollen throat, cuts with glass still in them on my back and head, a bruised hand print on my arm, and bruises to my torso, legs, and everything else, I also have a few cracked ribs from where my father kicked me, and some lacerations from the belt he cracked against my skin.

"Oh you poor child." She says under her breath, "I'm sorry, you can put your clothes back on now." I sigh with relief and when I am finished she sits down and asks me, "What do you want to do now?" 

"I want to... get away... from my dad." I say as fast as my throat allows me. 

She nods, "I know you do, we would like you to go to the hospital for your wounds to get proper treatment, and we would like an arrest warrant based off the proof of his abuse, and we would like to permanently move you to a new state, with a foster family. Do you agree?" She asks.

I shake my head yes. "Yes... I would like that, " I say then burst into a fit of coughing. 

"You get comfortable here, until after school you'll be staying in my office, I am going to talk to the principal and the counselor and set up what we just talked about." She says.

*********Principal's Point of View***********

"Oh my God!!!!!" I breathe, Oh my God, Oh my God, that poor child, so young yet her own father is a monster. How could someone so pure have a demon for a father? "We have to help her." Hope turns around and I almost burst into a sob when I see her back. The counselor, my sister, hugs me.

"We have to get her out, we have to rescue her." She whispers, I nod my head. Yes, yes, we will, and we will have revenge on the demon that has scarred her literally and figuratively.  

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