New Beginings

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Recap: Daniel and Diamond are walking back to class
Daniel: can I ask you something Diamond?
Diamond: sure, what's up
Daniel: I know I just met you but I really like you. I haven't felt this way before I think it might even be love. So Diamond will you make me the happiest guy alive and be my girlfriend?
Diamond: yes *jumps on Daniel and hugs him tightly*
Daniel: *looks in Diamonds eyes and leans in a little*
Diamond: *leans in and kisses Daniel passionately*
Daniel:*stops kissing Diamond and says* We should get to class now.
Diamond: fine *makes a pouty face*
Daniel: I'll make it up to you later*winks*
Diamond:you better😏
*In Class*
Teacher: nice to see you two are back in class
Diamond:*mumbles* you lucky we came back
Daniel:*elbows her*
Diamond: *mouthes* ouch
Teacher: what was that Diamond
Diamond: nothing
Teacher:alright now you guys take your seats and finish your work
Diamond&Daniel: alright *they walk to their seat and start working*
Daniel: so tell me about yourself
Diamond: what do you want to know?
Daniel: anything you feel comfortable telling me
Diamond: ok ,well I'm 16 I live in south central California my favorite color is red, I love food and I'm half Jamaican
Daniel: wait your Jamaican!
Diamond: yeah is that a problem?
Daniel: no. It's just that now I know why your so sexy😩
Diamond: *blushes a little* thanks
Daniel: no problem
Teacher: *walks to Daniel and Diamonds table* Guys Chresanto is going to work with you to since he doesn't have a group *Chresanto walks to the table* Alright you kids hav fun *teacher walks away*
Diamond: *rolls her eyes at Chresanto*
Chresanto: *mean mugged Diamond *
Diamond: let's just get this assignment over with
Daniel: I agree. Chresanto we are doing the Egyptian Civilization
Chresanto: cool
*Bell Rings*
Diamond: Well we can finish the project at my house if you guys want?
Daniel: I'm down
Chresanto: nah, I'm busy I'll talk to y'all later bye*rushes out the class and goes to his car*
Diamond: well I gotta go *starts walking out the class*
Daniel: wait!
Diamond: yeah?
Daniel: I didn't get your number
Diamond: it's 323-786-9201
Daniel: thanks
Diamond:no problem bye *kisses Daniel and walks to the car*
*Diamond Pov*
I'm waiting for Jaylah's slow ass. I should just leave her but I'm give her 5 more minutes
*End Pov*
*2 minutes later*
Jaylah: *walks up to Diamond*
Diamond: what took you so long?
Jaylah: the dumb teacher said I had to tutor someone
Diamond: are you gonna do it?
Jaylah: maybe
Diamond: you ready to go?
Jaylah: yeah
*Jayla and Diamond hope in Diamonds 2015 red Camaro and drive to Diamonds house*
*In the House*
Diamond: * unlocks the front door and  walks in the kitchen with Jaylah*
Jaylah: what's up
with you and Chresanto?
Diamond: nothing since he called me a bitch
Jaylah: tell me the story please
Diamond: he asked me out I said yes then he asked me why I used bully him then I told him about how he said he wanted me to die when we was younger then I went to class met a cute boy named Daniel we was flirting until Chresanto said stop flirting with my girl I said I wasn't his girl anymore then he said shut up bitch
Jaylah: dang girl.
Diamond:I know
Jaylah: you know what would make you feel better?
Diamond: what?
Jaylah: a movie night
Diamond: that sounds cool
Jaylah: go invite Daniel and Jawan and I'll get the food
Diamond: ok

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