Heart & Soul

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Islamic Psychology

· Getting to the heart and soul of the problem.

· We all want to change and be better. We can only change once we know ourselves, and why we came here, the purpose of our lives, and how to be more dedicated.

· Struggle is not going to be easy, but the goal will be attainable.

· The key to sound mental and emotional health is complete submission to Allah.

· Islamic psychology takes into account the divine intervention (Qadar), and submission to Allah.

· Without Allah, a person will suffer anxiety, depression, and despair.

· Fitrah (temptations, trials) is the natural inclination instilled by Allah.

· Theory about materialism: The more materialistic a person is, the less spiritual they will be.

· IF you go back in time and see the story of Adam alaihesalam, you will know that Allah created him and then sent him down on this Earth, because that was the purpose of his creation.

· We've been given a role, a position, and an authority in this world, and we must use it for the right cause.

· We also have our desires, and weaknesses (laziness, forgetfulness, etc.), and we need to learn how to control them, and let our desires or weaknesses control us.

· Some tests are harder on our hearts and souls because they assist the fitrah in breaking through the layers of disbelief, misguidance, and attachment to this world.

· Anyone who worships other than Allaah will only oppress, degrade and humiliate himself. The personality of such a person and character development will be distorted and incomplete.

Tawheed: Belief in Allah

· You must believe in Allah completely, without a doubt.

· Any doubt in the heart will show a lack or incomplete Emaan.

· Emaan is the energy for the soul to move towards its purpose.

· Emaan is to have the love of Allah above everything else.

· It increases and decreases, and there are ways to renew and increase our Emaan.

· Gaining knowledge is one way to sustain our Emaan, and also an increase in good deeds such as praying more, remembering Allah often, and giving charity.

· If an average person does not understand what you mean by Aqeedah, then simply switch to talking about Emaan with them.

Rooh and Nafs

· Rooh means spirit, soul, and breath of life.
It can refer to angels, revelation, or divine inspiration. It can also mean human nature, or soul.

· Once the soul is removed, the physical body ceases to function.

· Nafs means human soul, or self.
The exact nature of nafs is not known.
It is forever ready to accept directions towards good or evil.
It combines human attributes and traits that have a clear effect on our lives.

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