My Questions so far for Abla #1

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so of course after listening, I become curious, so I ask Abla AsmaaAbdulHameed to enlighten me with my questions. And I decided to share to you, some of my inquiries. If Inshaa Allah it might help you too. And of course, you're welcome to PM abla if you have any questions yourself.

1. Abla, you said about the spirit world. then what makes us any different from the ones who aren't muslims? I mean, aside from the obvious sense... we've all promised to Allah azza wa jal right? then, why are the others became born kaffir and us not? (Sorry for this question, i'm very curious)

Abla: We are different from the ones who have disbelieved in Allaah in the sense that we choose to: Follow Allah, believe in His messengers, and the books that He sent down with them, and Quran is the final message.No one is born a disbeliever, it is the parents or the surroundings that change a person's true inclination or religion. 

Everyone is born with an inner inclination towards the worship of Allaah, but the people, society, culture take the humans away from their Lord.It is never the fault of the person if they were born even in witchcraft. The person only becomes accountable for their choices once they mature up.. And every one in this life is given 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th ... endless chances by Allaah.

The doors are open for repentance and also submission at any points in our lives. The doors will only close with our death, or when the day of Judgment will arrive.This is why Allah sent so many messengers with so many warnings and signs throughout the time, and He made sure that there will always be people who will carry the message of Islam to those who have never heard of it!

2. What If I've felt tranquility before? And somehow, along the line i lost it?

Abla: This losing of tranquility happens at different stages in life, and it only means that our hearts get covered with different layers, and we need to find our way out of our situation. The more you grow, the stronger you will need to be to face the challenges of this life. And Allaah has a way of making us strong.

 He gives us what we want and need, and then He takes away some of the things from us, to test us, to see where we will turn, and who we will follow, and whether or not we will reach out to Him? You'll regain your inner peace and tranquility the more you understand the mysteries of this life and the universe around you, and this will take time, but you will get there :)

My reply:  thank you abla, to be honest. I've been so angry this past few months, somehow i lost the sight of everything. For awhile, i haven't been listening to lectures, or to the quran in my mp3. And well, thanks to you, it's there again. Slowly it's kind of coming back. Although I still feel indifference towards one person, at least i don't feel as much hate anymore. Hopefully, when I see her again, i won't hate her as much for the sake of Allah.

Abla: And it is entirely okay if you have been bottling up emotions inside of you, this happens and this is what we need to learn how to deal with our emotions i.e. "pain management". Sometimes it takes a whole lifetime to forgive and let go, but it will always be worth it!

As you listen to the lectures you will see I am talking about painful matters therein. And there will always be that ONE person who will annoy the lights out of you more than anyone else, the test is different for each one of us, as soon as you learn how to deal with it, the test will be over!

3.  Is it not allowed to talk during the adhan?

Abla: One can talk during the Adhan. I get this a lot since usually we have adhan going on in the background during the lectures, so for me I can continue the class. Some of the teachers they stop the entire lesson for the Adhan as well as the Salah, that is allowed, and talking is allowed as well. What is not allowed is indulging in useless matters during the Adhan.

My reply:  Abla, how about while reading the Quran and then the adhan comes along? We usually stop doing everything we do when that happens? I'm confused, coz some told me that if you speak during the adhan, that you'd get a punishment? is it true?

Abla:  If you are reciting and you hear the Adhan, you need to stop reciting.

We won't get punished if we are doing anything else during the Adhan, the proof is that when the adhan is being given in Makkah, people continue to make their tawaf, and anyone who is going their work continues to do that too.


to be continued. Let me hear your thoughts? I want to learn more from everybody too. Don't be afraid, and if you don't want to share your questions here, remember... you may always PM our Abla :)



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