4. Dreamland

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The sound of waves crashing and seagulls squawking, makes my eyes open slowly.

I stare up at the blue sky for a moment, the warm sun shining on my face. I grab a fist full of whatever is under me and I pick it up and look down at it to see its white sand.

I sit up and look around to find myself on a beach, my clothes which aren't mine, soaking wet.

What am I even wearing? A tux?

I shake some water droplets from my hair and a bark has me looking up.

"Oh lookie there,the sleeping beauty has awoken." Em says as she walks toward me with a German shepherd walking beside her.

Em is wearing a red lace dress that's soaking wet, and her hair is wet too, just how the dogs fur is wet.

Em throws a banana at me and I catch it, before looking up at her.

"Where are we? What happened? Where did you get that dog?" I shoot questions at her and she puts her hands up.

"Whoa man calm down... Okay so this is my dog, Bear, and I don't really know how we got here but I think it somehow involves that sinking ship." Em points out at the sea and I look out to see a smoke and a ship that's going under the water. "One moment I was looking for you in the field and the next I was in the water, with you and bear next to me. You were kind of unconscious and I dragged you here."

"This is so weird."

"You think this is weird? How do you think I feel?" Em chuckles and her dog slowly walks up to me before sniffing my face.

I reach up and pet the dog, his fur feeling soft and smooth.

Why is this so realistic?

Bear wags his tail and licks my face and I laugh as he knocks me over.

"Bear!" Em scolds and the dog looks up, his eyes toward the jungle behind us.

His ears go flat against his head and his teeth bared. He starts barking madly and Em and I jump back.

"Bear! What is it?" Em asks and the dog takes off toward the jungle.

"Bear!" We shout in unison and run after the dog.

We go through the brush and through the place and I run beside Em.

"My name is Harry by the way." I tell her as we run after her dog.

"Nice to meet you Harry." She sort of laughs and I look forward to see Bear has stopped.

We slow down to a jog and approach the dog as he barks up a tree.

Em and I both walk up before Em grabs Bear by the collar.

"Dude what has gotten into you?" Em says as she tries to pull the dog away and I look up the tree before freezing, my heart stopping.

"Look Em."

She looks up at me. "What?"

I point up the tree and she looks up before she gasps.

Siting above us is a little baby monkey, holding himself.

"Aww! The poor thing!" Em says and I walk to the base of the tree.

"I'm sorry little guy." I reach out as far as I can to show the monkey that we don't mean any harm and there's a low growl behind us.

I slowly turn around to see a fucking army of monkeys. Em freezes and Bear growls at the monkeys.

Stupid dog!

The monkeys lurch forward and Em pulls Bear back before taking my arm and leading me through the jungle.

"Are they following us?"

I look back. "YES!"

We run faster and Em lets go of my arm. We jump over a fallen tree and I stop.

This is all a dream, I can't get hurt.

"Harry!" Em screams at me. "What the hell are you doing?"

I look at Em. "This is all a dream, I can't get hurt. Nothing is real here."

I turn to the monkeys that are coming toward us and just as one jumps up at me, I'm yanked back.

The monkeys claw goes right by my face, and I can smell it, the blood on is claws.

What the actual-

"Harry! Run!" Em screams at me and I look at the girl who looks like she's scared out of her mind.

I turn and run with Bear and Em, until she falls forward with a scream. I stop running and Bear stops to.

"Em!" I yell and she looks up at me, her eyes full of fear.

The howls and screams of the monkeys get louder as I run over to Em and try to get her dress loose.

"Harry! Just go!" She yells at me and I shake my head.

"I can't just leave you, dream or not." I tell her and everything goes quiet.

Em and I lock eyes before I look around.

No sign of the monkeys.

Something drips on my nose and I wipe it off.


I look up to see all the monkeys above us in the trees.

Em screams and one monkey jumps down, right at me.

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