19. Reality

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It's been a week since Niall, Em, and I all sat down on that dream soccer field. And every night I've dreamt of her.

I've made all of my dreams of her into painting so far. My latest one is of her and Bear, on a lake of ice. That was the ice skating dream I had last night, which was quite fun if you ask me. Even in my dream state I still have fun with Em and her dog.

Em. I'm slowly but surely falling for her. With her blue eyes, her freckles, her porcelain skin. She's beautiful, even her personality. Even in my dreams I've never met a girl so caring for others.

That's why I had to meet her in person. I had to see her face, touch her smooth skin, hear her voice, in the flesh.

So that's why every day for the past week, Niall and I have had lunch together. We don't want to ask for help from any government officials cause they'll think we're crazy, so it's up to us to find her ourselves.

"We checked Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Kik, the phone books, Google.... But no sign of a Em White." Niall sighs as he leans back in his chair.

We're sitting at a table at my job, on my lunch break that's only An hour and a half long. We're only five minutes into our search and the lad is already giving up.

I grab his lap top and pull it to myself. "We can't give up yet."

"I think it's time to get someone else involved." Niall states and I shake my head as my phone buzzes across the table.

I look down and snatch it up the moment I see what's on the screen.

Instagram; Louis Tomlinson has accepted your follow request.

Instagram; Louis Tomlinson Is now following you.

Instagram; New DM from Louis Tomlinson.

"He finally accepted my follow request." I state and Niall looks at me.


"Remember the school shooting, the guy that was freaking out about his mum?" It takes him a moment but then his eyes widen.

"He allowed you to follow him?" He asks.

I nod. "And he followed me back and DMed me."

"Well open it!" Niall exclaims and I open up Instagram and the message pops up.

Louis_Tomlinson: Hello Harry, I was wondering if I've ever seen you before?

HarryStyles: Same here. Do you know a girl named Em?

Louis_Tomlinson: No. :/ but your face looks really familiar. Idk I may have seen you before or something. Do you live in the states? Or in London?

HarryStyles: I live in London. Where do u live?

Louis_Tomlinson: I live in the states currently but I visit my mum who lives in London quite often. I must've seen you while I was there.

HarryStyles: Cool... Any chance your in England RN? This may seem weird but I would really like to talk to you about something very important.

Louis_Tomlinson: that being?

HarryStyles: a girl I'm seeing in my dreams.

Louis_Tomlinson: What does that have to do with me?

Louis_Tomlinson: wait, I had a nightmare with a shooter and the girl died?

HarryStyles: YES

Louis_Tomlinson: I'm coming to London in four weeks to visit my mum. Wanna meet up?

Louis_Tomlinson: bring the Irish lad with you?

HarryStyles: will do.

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