High of my love, Drunk from my hate

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Thank everyone who has read my story :)

 A pic of Adrian........ =P

Alex’s pov..

Shockwaves coursed through my body as our lips made contact with each other, searing me to the core.

 I wrapped my arms around him bringing him closer. I reveled in the feel of him. For a long moment everything was quiet except my heart hammering against his and the whisper of our lips moving in synchronization.

 I felt his hand tangle in my hair as he pulled me towards him, bringing us impossibly closer together, I could feel his heart beating against mine.

 He ran his tongue on my bottom lip, nibbling gently. I opened my mouth granting him access.

I moaned as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. He massaged my tongue making my body crave for more, making my senses reel.

 A silent moan escaped my lips, “mate”.

He had taken control. I wanted to be the one in control; I wanted him to feel what he was making me feel.

His lips slowly grazed my cheek, neck.... shoulder bone. Every where his lips left their trail, felt seared. If it was up to me I'd never let this feeling end. I felt like I could go on and on and on, cause I knew there was no way I could ever get enough of him. I let out a silent moan as his lips found their way back to mine.

 Breathless I backed away for air. I searched his ocean blue eyes, that made me feel like I could drown in them forever; hoping to know if I was having the same affect on him as he was on me.

He came close and whispered’ “I love you, you’re mine”. The warmth of hisbreath sent tingles through me. 

"I love you too." I said, my gaze lingering on his lips.

Seeing the look in my eyes he planted his lips against mine. This time more gently at first, slowly increasing the intensity. He was dulling my senses, I felt as if I was melting in his arms. I clinged to him as the only solid thing in this dizzying world. I swear this hot hunk of a man, my mate was making my senses reel in a way they had never before.

And more than ever I wanted to return the pleasure.

I bit his lower lip forcing it open as I found the entrance I slowly slid my tongue into his mouth, inhaling in his fragrance.

This time it was Adrian who groaned and lost himself in the kiss. My hands moved on their own accord as they found their way to the planes of his chest, slowly making their way to the buttons of his shirt, where they froze. . . .  . when suddenly someone walked in.


“What the hell is happening here?” a guy yelled at us.

I untangled myself from Adrian, feeling a sudden emptiness at the loss of his arms around me. Duh! He just came in and destroyed one of the best moments of my life!! ugh!

I felt confused…why did that guy look so pissed, What? People aren't allowed to kiss around here? This night is just so eventfull, I thought sarcastically.

 “You kidnapped her so you could make out with her?” the guy said with rage burning in his eyes, and may I mention totally ignoring me.

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