why do all alphas have to be jerks?

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Umm…this is my first time….i hope you guys like it =)


"Sometimes you just have to jump off the bridge and hope you learn how to fly on the way down."

 "We may not always get what we want, but surely we will get what we deserve."   Horton, Doug

Alex’s pov..

I stared at the mirror, wondering if it was really me? The girl in the mirror was absolutely breathtaking, calm, smiling. Unlike me.

I stood there clad in a cream coloured strapless wedding gown. The bodice was decorated with beaded floral accents. My hair caught up in an elegant updo, some lose curls delicately framing my face. I looked as is if was a princess out of some fairytale, a fairytale that seemed like hell to me. If only someone knew the vast difference between my exterior and an interior that was slowly cracking up.

I opened my clenched fist and looked  at the red crescents where my nails had left their imprint.

There are some moments in life when you want to scream and shout and cry your heart out but you don't, cause no one would care so you just bottle it all up inside you. I guess thats exactly how I felt right now.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned to see Debra, a close cousin of mine beaming at me. Looking breathtaking in her peach-colored mermaid style dress, as if she had just stepped out of a faishon magazine.

“You just look so beautiful today you know that,”she said smiling.

I forced myself to smile at her, "Thanks Deb."

Every inch of my body had been masked, buffed and polished to perfection. I had gone through that patiently but I just wanted to be alone, try to escape reality.

I looked at the two people who stood before me and said with a slight smile, “You know what you guys go downstairs and I'll come when the cermony starts, let me relive some memories in this room, now that I'm going to leave." Debra nodded in understanding and left.

I did not wanted to go downstairs.

It just made me sick thinking about all those people roaming around with fake smiles plastered to their face.

 As if it was just another wedding. As if it was one of those happily ever after. Like I wanted this, when this was all I did not want. I guess we were all playing are part in this charade.

Emily didn’t leave but instead came and engulfed me in a hug.

 Being the only one who could see right through me, my only best friend. “I don’t want to marry that asshole, Em I really don't.” I said my voice cracking.

I was being forced into marrige, with the soon to be alpha of moonlight pack and my jerk of a brother’s bestfriend.

This marriage was going to be a peace treaty between the two packs, a bond of true friendship as my father said. As I was the daughter of alpha of the blacknight pack. Despite being alpha’s daughter I was not going to be the next to have the throne, this oppurtunity was being granted to my stepbrother.

The person who had not let go of a single chance to make my life miserable. He didn’t even care about the pack but to my father he was the perfect son and I the unwanted child.

I was from his first wife. He had married her before he met his mate and I was born, at that time he was madly in love with my mother but when he found his mate he abandoned her and married leah, his mate.

It broke my mother’s heart, although he wasn’t his mate but as he had marked her and they had completed the bond it hurt too much so she killed herself to escape from the pain, leaving me at the hands of my father. I never blamed leah for anything for it was my fathers fault that he had married someone other than his mate in the first place . Now he was doing this to me, forcing me to marry someone who was not my mate.

James didn’t had any problem with marrying me as he didn’t believed in mates and had a well known reputation of being a player, plus it was simply his duty to do what was thought best for the pack.

But I did not want to marry someone who I didn’t love, who wasn’t my mate. I hadn’t even met my mate yet.

“Why do all alphas have to be jerks?” I mumbled into her shoulder.

"I guess it’s in their DNA.” she said. I laughed at that.

I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what awaited downstairs. “I guess I should let you have your alone time, call me when you're ready”, she said hugging me one last time.

I watched my bestfriend walk out of the door. I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes, trying to calm my frazzled nerves.

I couldn't help but wish that it was a nightmare that I could wake up from. If only I could disappear right now! I just wanted to lay down and shove the damned headphones in my ear and try to forget that today was my wedding.

I mean like come on I was just out of highschool and getting married! Really? Give me a break.

It was as if I was suffocating on the thought of my wedding. I wasn't ready for my unwanted future. As if something was pulling me back, from going on.

I really needed some fresh air to clear up my head so i got up wiping the slight trickle of wetness on my cheek and opened the doors to the balcony.

What I saw left me shocked!

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