Chapitre 1

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That day he woke up in sweat, pupils dilated, panting like he had ran a marathon he was griping the blanket with both of his hands so tightly that his knuckles were already white. He slowly released the blanket with his breathing regularising, still breathing loudly with his chest rising and falling. As if he did a nightmare he wanted to shout or yell, evacuate the fear he felt in his dream. But he couldn't, his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat. Maybe he did a bad dream, surely but he had no memory of it. Or did he dreamed this night ?

The bedroom had no colour, he could have thought that he was seeing the world in black and white if he couldn't see the blue sky or the sunbeam through the large window, even if his sight was a bit blur and his respiration not steady he stood up, shakily, but he managed to get up, walking toward the door, he could hear his heart beats but the only sound that filled the room was his footsteps, they were echoing through the room. Before opening the door he turned his back to the room to see how looked the bedroom from the door.                  Empty.                         Everything around him was ridiculously big, the king size bed and the bed room, they were too big for one person. Where am I ?

In this bedroom there was nothing personal, no picture, paint or photography, no bookshelves there is nothing aside the large window, the king size bed or the bedside table with the lamp. Nothing. All he saw there was a room, black and white with a pinch of grey. As if the bedroom was coming right out from a magazine. Everything is clean and net, only the bed sheet was messy. He didn't want to stay in the room, the atmosphere was too heavy for him, it was hard to breath here. I can't stay here.

He try to think, to remember something, but he doesn't, he can't even remember himself how could he remember something else. Was this house or whatever it was, was his ? Maybe he wasn't at home, maybe it was somebody else's home. So if it wasn't his, what was he doing here ? What was he doing here ? Did he live here ? Alone or with someone ? Where is he ?

While exploring he found out that it was a flat and not a house, the flat had a large amount of space it was quite impressive but he didn't like it. The flat had too much space for one person. He doesn't like this flat, he doesn't because it's too big, too empty and too silent.

The bathroom was nothing different, it was the same as the bedroom, living room, study room or kitchen. Everything in the flat seemed to going out from an indoor catalogue. Impersonal home. Black, grey or white. The only vivid colours where in the dressing, cloths only. Even though there were mainly suits and shirts. Was he an office worker ?

The appropriate question was more like : Is that his home ?

In the bathroom he looked at himself in the mirror, starring for a long time before reacting, touching his hair, feeling his skin. He was discovering his features, his face, his body, himself. Is that me ? He was tall, hair dyed brown there was a lot of details he could have say but he didn't spare too much time staring at his reflect. He looked like an average person. But he don't know what is average, he lost definition of average. Was he ugly ? Or good looking ? He doesn't know things like that because he forgot. So he defined himself as average.

What does people think of me ? And he titled this head to the right.

He observed the bathroom, looked everywhere, there were some beauty stuffs such as cream or thing he didn't know, there were some product with things written in a language he couldn't understand.. He tried to read but failed. What is that language.. What is -.. Is that chi- .. Cheese ? No.. Ch- Chinese ! I think.. Also, near the bathroom sink there was a cup with two toothbrush, two. This home had two person living under the same roof. Maybe he was one of the two. Or maybe the person who lived here liked to have everything double like his bed or his flat who was very spacious. He didn't care he just took a tooth brush, the blue one, and brushed his teeth. People should never forget to brush their teeth even if they loose their memory.

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