Chapitre 3

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Chanyeol strode into the bathroom, splashing cold water over his face repeatedly, after that he wiped his face with a towel feeling more awake than before. He just did a dream. Maybe a nightmare; because nightmares are also dreams, he closes his eyes for one second the time to regain his senses before brushing his teeth.

He contemplates his face in the mirror, mouth full of toothpaste foam he continued to brush until he felt satisfied then he rinsed his mouth after that he decided to take a shower, a shower is a good way to forget the dream we did, bad or good.

Chanyeol stepped out of the bathroom with the towel hanging on his hips, hair still wet, the water was flowing in drops the drops falling on his bare chest, water trickling toward the lower parts of his body to finally reach the ground.

He dried his hair with another towel in his hand ruffling them quickly while he walked toward the bedroom with a light tread, barefoot he opened the sliding door, walking into the dressing, searching some clothes to put on. The dressing was full of cloth, everything was neatly arranged, like a perfect picture from a catalogue.

He picked randomly, a white knitted sweater and denim skinny jeans, a very simple outfit but Chanyeol was feeling nice in. The collar of the knitted sweater lets see his milky white skin and his collar bones, which accentuated his Adam apple and his neck features, honestly, anyone would have said he looked desirable but sadly there was no one to see his beautiful features.

He spent his day in the living room, doodling on the sheet Kris gave him the day before with the television on, the noise of the anchor saying the same news of the day over and over, nonstop, filling the silence of the flat and with that he felt less alone. When it was midday he finally heard his stomach growling and he decided that he should eat. Opening the fridge he scanned quickly the content, there was nothing but vegetables. Does he hate vegetables? Good question, he stretched his hand to take a carrot then he closed the fridge. He rinsed the carrot and peeled the vegetable with a knife before going back in the living room sit in front of the television, and the anchor as well, he began to eat his carrot, munching it. Carrot doesn't feel particularly tasty but it filled his stomach so he didn't complain, well if there was a complaint to do there would be no one to hear and it would be pretty pitiful to complain out loud when he was alone.

He does not hate vegetables.

The hours he spent in front of the TV he stopped counting them, he never knew that TV could be so interesting and boring at the same time until he fell asleep.

When he opened his eyes it was already dark, through the glass window which was running from ceiling to floor, he could see the lights of the city, they formed a river of light as if it was a starry sky under his feet. It's pretty, it seemed magical. Chanyeol could see his reflection through the window and he smiled as he looked at himself but strangely it feels like the smile was foreign.

Then he heard the sound of a door opening and he turned his head toward the door who was still closed.

Removing his coat and his shoes, Kris straightened to see Chanyeol staring at him, without talking he was just curiously staring at Kris without a word. "What are you doing ?" he asked to Chanyeol, eyes locked Chanyeol didn't answer as if words were stuck in his throat. Kris's brown eyes seemed soft maybe it was because no one had turned the light on that it seemed like they were, more round softer, looking more human, and closer to him. If Chanyeol turned on the light would this Kris disappear? Then he doesn't want to.

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