Coming Soon! But This Filler Tho...

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"Zora, come on! We're going to be late for the pre-game!" Bella yelled.

"I need my shoes! Where are my shoes?" I asked scrummaging through the pile of random things in my closet.

When in doubt, forget 'em out. That's what Daddy always said. So, instead of my nice sneakers, I brought my running shoes with me.

"Okay, let's go smoke this cheering!" I yell as we run out the door and into my dads car.

--------------------------(5 Months Later)------------------------

I was lucky that day. Bringing my running shoes, I mean. Sometimes, it's hard not to get blood on your shoes when your running from a six foot killer wanting your flesh. We call them Snappers for reference.

That was when the apocalypse came. More like spread but it's not that bad.

At least we have anger outlets.

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