Chapter 6

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Niall's POV

Niall exited the water before Justin and crashed down in the sand. None of them had their towels with them, so the sand sticked to his wet skin like glued. He rolled around and enjoyed the hot sun gazing over him, then realised that he didn't have any sunblock on him and stood up.

"Hey Justin, did you bring any sunblock?" He shouted out. A kind of stupid question - He had already seen that Justin's hand were empty before they even went out, of course he didn't bring any. Justin shaked his head and realised the same as Niall - if they were out much longer they both would be burned red and at least a couple of days would be ruined for both of them. Niall ran down to the ocean as Justin ran up, and threw himself in it a last time to get all the sand away. He then walked up to Justin and they both slowly began walking up to the house, dripping water which soaked the otherwise light coloured sand. They didn't say a word to each other, both full of thoughts.

Niall thought of that time in the water. When Justin had came up just a few centimetres away, his feelings had raced. The kiss he had experienced the day before - If it now had been real - came to mind and he felt the urge to just lean forward and kiss him, to see if it would be the same. It made him blush, that wasn't normal, and then throw himself backwards. He tried to conceal his racing thoughts with the water, but the thought had stayed in his head. He imagined himself kissing Justin, and the thought just made him happy in a way he had never experienced before. Was this what people called 'love'? He had never really felt it before, at least not for a lot of years. Was it really normal to think like that, and secondly - Would Justin ever think the same?

The growl of his stomach took him out of thoughts. He realised he really was hungry, very hungry. Justin also looked up at him, from stomach to face.

"Hungry, huh? Well you won the race to the beach, so I guess I will be the one cooking. What about steak?" Justin said with a smile "I guess the boys will be back by now, one of them can probably help me with it."

Niall felt a smile entering his face and he happily nodded.

Justin's POV

As he had guessed, all four boys had came back during the time they visited the beach. All of them sat around the dinner table, Harry and Louis with cups of tea.

"Hey guys! Are you hungry?" The nod of all confirmed this, and another growl from Niall's stomach made Liam fall into laughter. Niall looked at Liam like expressing 'what', and Justin continued.

"Well, I was thinking about steak and we have a grill in the back, so if someone of you could help me out with it so will the food be done in just half an hour or so"

Louis stood up first and volunteered to help him with the food. The others walked back around the house to come there and he ordered Louis to take the steaks from the fridge as he took the fuel and coal out. They walked out besides each other and joined the pack of hungry boys. Someone of them had already opened the grill so it was just for him to put in the coal and fuel, and then lit it on fire. He saw Louis lean forward to kiss his boyfriend, and the vision of him doing the same to Niall blocked his mind. Him leaning forward, pressing his lips against his and Niall sticking in his small tongue into his mouth. The thought made him blush, and he quickly turned to the other way. No one seemed to notice the sudden red on his face, which made him glad - He didn't know how he would answer to the questioning look he would have gotten.

The grill burned nicely and he decided to put the steaks on it, so he called Louis - Who still had the steaks in his hands - there. He slammed them on the grill a little to hard but didn't quite care.

"Hey Louis, can you come in and help me with the plates and glasses?" Louis nodded and walked up by him as they quickly walked in again.

As they stood there in the kitchen and tried to find the needed things (even him didn't quite know where they were yet) he asked Louis where he and Harry had been.

"Ah, we took a walk to the rocks on the other side of the island, and then had a picnic upon them!" He said in almost a state of dreaming as he thought back on it. "You and Niall then? You came back last I recall."

"Ah, we just visited the beach right in front of the house for an hour or so, Niall was feeling restless so we ran there" Justin felt a smile coming up on his face, probably looking the same as Louis when he had remembered his picnic with Harry.

Louis looked at him and got a bit of confused it seemed, but then turned his eyes away without a question. That was one of the beat things with Louis - he didn't question much.

When they finally found everything they walked out to find Zayn by the grill, flipping steaks.

"Well that took its time, I almost began to worry. The meat is done now anyways", Zayn said without taking his eyes off the steaks.

Justin came up to him and held up a plate for him to put the food on, and Louis began handing out the glasses and other plates. They then both sat down, Justin put the steak plate in the middle of the table, and after Niall saying 'Holy shit, I'm so hungry' they began to eat.


Hellooooo! Back with chapter 6, I hope you like it!

It's creepy that so many have read this, I created it mainly because my sister wanted me to just for her, and... yeah.

I'm having a bit of problems with writing chapter 7, because sadly it needs to be a filler because I don't want the story to go that fast, much too fast, and then there will be some shit until like chapter 11 (but I still hope you will like it!). Fillers are not my best side, and there will most likely not come an update until next thursday. But well, vote and comment, and I will soon se you!

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