Chapter 1

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Ok so one of the bands i have loved for nearly 10 years now is The Rasmus who are a rock band from Finland. They are really awesome and i still have it pretty bad for Lauri.

Chapter 1

'Well here we are Kate'. I said as we came out of the airport doors and into the cool morning. 'We are in Helsinki'. I looked at my best friend and we both screamed. 'Ahhhh!'.

People gave us strange looks but we didn't care. My best friend and I had saved really hard for the last two years so we could take ourselves off on an awesome holiday. Finland was our destination of choice. Kate's Aunt lives here and so does The Rasmus one of my favourite bands. Kate's Aunt moved to Finland with her husband about 14 years ago and we are staying at her house. I've known Kate since I was 5 years old so Sarah is like my Aunt as well.

'Kate, Michelle' someone behind us called out.

We turned and saw Kate's Aunt coming towards us.

'Oh girls I have missed you both'. 'I'm so glad you came'.

Kate hugged her Aunt 'I missed you too Aunt Sarah'. 'I can't believe we are here'.

I threw my arms around Aunt Sarah as well. 'Thanks so much for letting us stay'.

'Girls your Uncle and I are really excited you'll be staying with us'. 'It will be so much fun'. 'Let's get you home so you can unpack and relax a little'.

We put our luggage in the car and drove off to Aunt Sarah's house.

Kate's Aunt came to Finland on a business trip about 15 years ago. She met Johan on the plane from Australia and they decided to meet up again for dinner once they landed in Finland. And they hit it off so well that Johan's company let him transfer to Australia for 12 months. He asked her to marry him and they moved back to Finland. It's a pretty sweet love story when you think about it.

The drive to Sarah's house was pretty quick and I tried to take in all the sights along the way. 'This is a really beautiful city'. 'You are so lucky to live here' I said.

'Wait until you go up north a bit and see the scenery, Northern lights or the midnight sun. It really is a magical place girls'. 'Maybe you'll meet a nice guy while you're here. Finnish boys are incurable romantics'.

'Maybe if I could run into a certain green eyed musician'. I sigh.

'Like we could ever be that lucky'.

'I know Kate I'm just dreaming'.

'Which musician' Sarah says interested.

'Uh, you probably won't know him'. I say.

'Try me' she says smiling.

I take a big sigh 'Lauri Ylonen'.

'Lauri from The Rasmus.' she clarifies.

I nod my head.

'Oh your going to love this. The Rasmus are playing at Tavastia Club tomorrow night'.

'Oh my God we should definitely go there Mich'. says Kate.

My heart did a little back flip at the possibility of going to a club where that green eyed boy would be singing.

'Johan will take you. He loves that sort of music'. 'And, lucky for you he knows a few people that work there'.

A few minutes later we arrived at the house. Johan came bounding out of the house with exuberance and hugged us both. 'Finally you arrive, your Aunt has been so excited. Counting the days. Wow, you have both grown so much. Last time I saw you, you were teenagers, now beautiful women. The boys in this country will be in love'. We both giggle.

'Speaking of boys. Johan I told the girls you could take them to Tavastia tomorrow night'.

'Yeah sure, I think they have a good band tomorrow'. He says excited.

'That's why they want to go The Rasmus are playing and the girls really like them'.

'Really' Johan raises his eyebrows. 'I have friends that work there leave it to me'. 'You can meet them'.

I feel my pulse quicken. Just chill, I tell myself you haven't met anyone yet.

The rest of the day we spent relaxing and catching Aunt Sarah up on news from home.

Kate and I had learnt some Finnish before we left home. It's a beautiful language when spoken but quite hard to learn.

'I'm glad a lot of people speak English here Kate or we'd be in trouble'.

'I know what you mean. You are lucky that Lauri speaks good English so if you meet him you have no worries talking'.

'Hey girls'. Johan says. 'You start to talk and you have the boys intrigued'. 'They will hear your accent and be excited'. 'Beautiful girls from Australia. I may have to fight them off with a big stick for you'. Johan laughs as he walks away. 'Hey, I'll get the wine and we can celebrate your arrival in Helsinki'.

'Now your talking Uncle Johan'.

It was about 10pm when I got into bed and although I was tired I could not turn my mind off and relax. I got out my ipod and put on a random mix of Lauri and The Rasmus and closed my eyes.

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