Chapter 2

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The sunlight burst through the lace curtains and I woke up feeling wonderful.  I slept like a baby.  I grabbed my robe and walked downstairs to be greeted by a steaming hot coffee thrust into my hands. 

‘Thanks Kate, how long have you been up for’.

‘A couple of minutes, I was too excited to sleep much longer’.  ‘I think we are going into town today to shop with my Aunt so we’ll have to get ready soon.’

‘Cool, I think I am in the mood for some retail therapy‘.

We drove to the city with Kate’s Aunt and spent a few hours browsing the shops. 

‘Can we stop for coffee, I need to recharge a bit’. says Kate.

‘Great idea, there is a place across the road that does nice coffee’.  ‘My treat’ says Aunt Sarah.

We crossed the road and as we walked into the doorway of the coffee shop Kate stopped suddenly to let someone pass.  I wasn’t looking and I walked into her dropping a bag.  The guy walking past us scooped up my bag and handed it back to me.

‘Thank you’  I mutter embarrassed.  I looked up at the guy as he passed us and he smiled and I turned beet red.  I’d know those green eyes anywhere  ‘Oh my God that was so embarrassing’  I said.

‘Mich you are priceless you know that’.

I shook my head. ‘Why me’.

You know the feeling that someone is watching you.  I turned around and he was about 10 metres away talking on his phone.  And he was looking directly at me.  Oh my.  I think my underwear may spontaneously combust.

‘Kate is Michelle coming ‘. 

Kate followed my gaze up to Lauri.  ‘Oh yeah she’ll be coming’. 

Lauri winked and walked off down the street.  That was the most intense moment of my life.  I need a cold shower or something.  Kate grabbed my arm and guided me to a chair.

‘You ok Michelle you look a little flushed’.  said Sarah

‘She just had little run in with Lauri’.  

‘You did, what happened’ said Sarah excitedly.

‘Nothing really, he just looked at me and now I’m a mess’. 

‘Hey Mich, I saw how he looked at you and that was not just nothing’.  ‘He was staring at you like he was trying to ignite your underwear’.  

‘We’ll, ok then that is more than I wanted to hear’.  ‘I forget just how grown up you both are now’.  ‘ It feels weird talking about sex with you’.  ‘I’m sure since you are both 25 there’s no need for any sex talks but I will say this one thing’.  ‘Be responsible and be careful and most importantly have fun.  We all burst out giggling.

Later that afternoon as I was getting ready I had the strange sensation that I was being watched again.  I looked around the room and it was clear.  But, then I noticed there was a couple of crows outside on the fence and one was looking in my direction.  A warm shiver ran through me.  Now I’m getting all hot and bothered over a bird.  ‘Lintu’ I say to myself ‘what are you doing to me’.

‘Wow’ says Johan as Kate and I walk downstairs.  ‘I get to escort two hot babes around town tonight’.  ‘People are going to think I scored big time’. 

We all laugh and Sarah shakes her head.

‘Girls you look lovely ‘.  ‘I’m sure you’ll have to fend off some boys tonight Johan.  Just make sure it’s not anyone they want attention from’.

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