Chapter 15

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I was happy for Elia, I really was. But I fretted over the fact that my best friend would be gone from training. I wasn't that close with Eria, because she was, well, not that friendly. I could just imagine in my head the way that Lucas would pick on me now that there was one less target standing in his way. At training, my predictions became so true that I suspected that I had psychic powers.

Two weeks passed in a blur, until finally Lucas even took the liberty to dismiss Eria early so that it was just me and him, alone in the room that smelled of sweat and metal. For a while, I threw knives, shot arrows and tackled the punching bag while he watched from the sidelines. Then, he suddenly jumped up inside the ring and joined me. We did drills there together, until I messed up and cut myself shallowly on the cheek with my knife. Lucas stared at the cut on my face with a tender look I had never seen on him before. He gently ran a thumb over the injury, wiping away the small amount of blood that had sprung up. "Hey... be careful." he said softly. I have to say, I was surprised. What had changed between us to make him behave like this?


I blinked. Damn it, I thought angrily. Those hazel eyes were pure temptation. It was so hard to be around her and keep the mental walls I had put up to protect myself at the same time, yet I couldn't bear to stay away from her. Could it be that I was falling for her? I have to do something, I realised. Before I'm too far gone to do anything. I decided that the easiest way would be to piss her off so badly that she would just go away, and I would do the same. "So, I've got to say, you've made impressive progress. But..." I paused, studying her. She was just looking at me curiously. "I think you can do better. How about extra training hours after dinner every other day?"

"What is your problem with me, Lucas?" she threw her hands up into the air. I mentally grinned. So far, so good. "I'm as good as this as Eria is, but you're fine with her and you even let her go early. Why me? What do I have to do to prove to you that I get it? I know how to fight and defend myself, okay?" she almost screamed, agitated.

"You could challenge me to a duel," I said very quietly. Kaileen stopped, eyed me suspiciously, and spoke.

"That's it? If I do that, you'll get off my back?" Disbelievingly, she took a step back from me. I shrugged.

"Sure, why not? And before you go wondering if I'm going to keep my promise, shouldn't you first worry about actually winning?" I cocked my hip. "One knife allowed, you lose when you're in no position to fight back. Got that?" I couldn't help but grin because Kaileen was shaking her head, muttering inaudible words under her breath as she got into position.


I fought as best as I could, our blades clanging against one another. One moment, I seemed to have the upper hand and the next, he would have me blocking and parrying for my life with his knowing and skillful attacks. As I sidestepped a deep stab, I saw a chance to disarm Lucas. I twisted the back of my knife in between his fingers and his knife, trying to make him let go of his weapon. But his grip on the knife was more solid than I expected. He smiled wickedly and said, "Nice try, but I know that one." True to his word, he used the exact same technique on me. As my knife clattered to the floor, he stepped up close and backed me up against the wall, his blade mere millimeters from my throat. It was all I could do to not shiver at his sudden proximity. His intoxicating, distinctly male scent blanketed me. He leaned down to my ear, so close that his lower lip brushed against my earlobe, and whispered, "Well, as always, I see you have some improving to do," Then, he turned and walked out of the room, smirking.

I was infuriated with his behaviour. Who did he think he was? More importantly, what was wrong with me, feeling... things for him?


I wondered if that had done the job. Kaileen seemed like an easy girl to annoy, especially because, well, I was sort of an expert at making people pissed. I smiled a bit at that. But it didn't last long because I saw a couple exchanging sweet words in the shady hallway. Even though I'd had many girlfriends, they had never meant much to me. Except for Bianca. Snap out of it Lucas, you're not supposed to be doing this. I prayed to my lucky stars that I would never have to face girl problems again, but I knew that my wish would never be granted. Sighing, I strolled into the kitchens in search of something to eat.

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