Chapter 1

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-Kaliegh's P.O.V-

Today is the last day of school until 3month, then school will start again. I can't wait to get out of this stupid school uniform; blue blazer, white skirt, red polo shirt. I want to go home and enjoy my life with the horses and my family. I also want to hang out with Chad Kenny Miles, he has been my crush since forever! He is sweet, good looking, honest, active cowboy. He lives nearby me and he helps my father with building stuff like barns, and other things. I hated the super fancy private school, but it was my only way into college. 

"Kaliegh! Come here, I want to give you something before you go home.", Anna shouted from behind 'her' tree so I jogged to her."Here, I'll miss you sooo much! Call me if you have a horse competion, so I can go!" She gave me a small present wrapped in a rainbow shiny pattern. I opened it up and saw a '50% off Coupon for any item you purchase' for Big R. 

"Oh my gosh, thank you sooo much! I can buy so many things for my horse and I!", I exclaimed as I squeezed  Anna. She squeezed me back, trying to show me how she feels when being squeezed but it failed. 

"I promise you that I will call you and try to hang out. We can go on trail rides or best of all, enter a competion together. I want to go to the state horse competion. Its a lot of money to enter but if one of us win, we will win $1,000!", Anna stated, "But we have to promise to each other that we will split the money in half!" We both giggled and hugged for about a min. "And by the way, watch out for Belle. She is moving in as a neighbor. She is also aimming for Chad. Bye! Love ya!" 

"O-oh okay. Bye! Love you too!", I uttered. Crap.... There's no way that I will be able to put up with Belle.....

As I walked to the bus, Chad offer to help carry my bags. See? I told you he was sweet! He has been my best friend ever since we met. There were some times that he wasn't there for me but after the mistakes, he promised that he would always have my back and he kept it. We were going home  together since his parents are out for business for tonight. 

I wonder if Chad likes me back, but I doubt he does. I mean like come on, what guy would like a hazel hair girl who likes horses and smells like one. Chad smells like a horse but girls still drool over him. I have to admit, there are some things I don't like about Chad but I don't care anyways. He doesn't date much. If I was his girlfriend, I would be his 3rd girlfriend. His 1st girfriend dumped him because he is a cowboy. He dump his 2nd girlfriend because she was too clingy so he never had time to relax with his family or help out my dad.  

**********3 Hours Later*************

"Kali! Kali! We're here!", I heard Chad's voice. I felt a kiss on my forehead, thinking that it was my mom. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mother. 

"MOM!", I jumped and hugged my mom. 

"Hi sweety! Chad said you feel asleep on his shoulder but we don't blame you, it's 8:00 at night anyways. We are having a bonfire and a BBQ. Lot of our neighbors are coming over, around midnight, we will go on a trail for our 15th year anniversery in business! I'm sorry if your tired but we tomorrow is our 15th anniversery!" 

My eyes widen, I love those occasions. It only happened every 3years. I squealed a bit then ran into my dad. 

"Kali!", I hugged me tight as I hugged him back,"Okay, now, get ready for tonight!" I beamed at him and ran upstairs.

I threw off my uniform, and got into my jeans, my favorite floral shirt, and my boots. I also put on my cross necklace. "Dear Heavenly Father, please let this night go well and give other families hope and faith. Amen", I prayed. I grabbed my thin jacket and ran back downstairs. 

I walked outside onto the front porch, it seems like everyone was here. Kids were playing in the playground, some of them were grooming their horses, guys were devouring their BBQ food, womens were talking about their garden and their clothes. The food smelled so good. But I wonder, how did everyone get here so fast? 

"Everyone! Food is ready! Take as much as you want!  We all have about 30mins until we start the the big bonfire and eat s'mores.", My dad shouted. He walked up to me with a plate full of food. "Here, I made a plate so you wouldn't have to wait.", he smiled. 

"This is going to be a good night.", I whispered to myself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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