Chapter 1

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 Chapter 1

I am pouring my eyes out. He's dying and it's all my fault.

Wait, wait, wait hold up here. What's going on. You need to know the whole story. Lets start out at the beginning......

"Good morning Chicago! Today's Monday September 2nd and the first day for all you high schoolers. It's a nice day today with a high of 78 degrees...." my alarm clock blared. I slam my hand down on my annoying alarm. Stupid alarm clock always ruining my beauty sleep. Today’s my first day of school. Arrgg. You must be wondering why I really don't want to go to school. It's because I just moved here to Chicago after living in Canada for the past 16 years. I was born there and had to leave all of my friends there. I miss them already. I hope on my first day I will make some friends, I don't want to be the outcast. The outcasts are never talked to and are basically shunned by everyone. Once you're one its hard to get out. Hopefully nothing bad happens. I'm pretty sure nothing will though. Knock on wood. I mean it's just high school..... There is all the class changes, the bullying, and all of the homework. Well I guess I have a few things to worry about.

"Charlie get your lazy butt out of bed! You have school!" My mom shouted.

"Uggghh!" I groaned.

"Don't groan at me young lady! And get up!" She yelled. 

"Ok, ok.... Geez woman."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing Mom!"

"That's what I thought."

I got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I closed the door and locked it. I looked in the mirror real quick and had to do a double take. My hair was all over the place sticking up in weird positions. My tank top was raised up showing my stomach and my shorts were up as far as the could go. What the heck! Did I get caught in a tornado or something? Well I slept really well last night. I guess this is what happens oh well. I started up the shower and let the steam take over the bathroom before I started to strip.

Once I got out of the shower  I wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body. I look at my towel covered body in the mirror. I can't help notice the scars on my shoulders and arms. There from a house fire up in Canada. My house to be exact. It all started with.....

"Charlie! Hurry up or you'll be late on your first day!"

"Ok, I'll be down there in a few!"

Well I guess I'll tell you that story another time. Oh well!

I walk out in to my room after drying my hair. I slip on a pair of black skinny jeans, a red Converse shirt, a pair of red converse and my favorite black leather jacket. At my old school I was the bad girl but everyone loved me. You just didn't want to get on my bad side or you end up in some deep do do.

I start to head down stairs to my very inpatient mother.

"Finally! You took forever!" My mother exclaimed.

"Sorry I was getting ready."

"Whatever just go eat breakfast real quick."

I head into the kitchen to see that my mom made bacon and eggs. Yummy! I dig in to my food and I enjoy it all. Once I was done I headed out to my motorcycle to get to school. Once I got there all I got was stares. Thinking to my self "Here we go....."


Hey everyone! I hope you like my new story. BTW I'll probably update every week and if your lucky more than once:)

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