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Number 2

This one is the one people I think struggle with the most. Why is it happening to me? Well, I have to go ahead and say it isn't just you. People have pains everyday, and it stinks. We loose friends, family, and anything else you can think of. In the bible there is a book called Job. JOB not a employment, but a man's name. 

In this book, Job is faced with trials, and tribulations. Satan ask Christ if he could hurt Job and Christ agreed to it, now wait don't stop reading! Christ did this to test Job's loyalty and trust in Him. He wanted to see if through the storm Job would stay strong in his faith and not blame God, but instead trust God, that his plan was perfect. Job, passed his test. Now, I know you are thinking 'Why would God do that?' 

The answer is quite simple, to test our faith. Trouble comes sometimes as a consequence for actions, and it also comes to test our faith in Christ. I mess up all the time, and I fail the test all the time, but there are moments in life when, I pass. So, next time a trial comes your way instead of blaming God, look for him. He is the still small voice, whispering that he is with you. He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He created you, and he didn't create you to harm you! I think of Jesus as a parent. When you do something wrong, you get in trouble for it, but through it all your parents still love you.  

Life hurts, I do get that! I also understand that just because it hurts now doesn't mean it will hurt forever. Find joy in the pain, no matter how hard it is. I promise Christ loves you forever and ever! 

In Psalms it says 

Chapter 121: verses 1 - 8 

I lift my eyes up to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip- he who watches over you will not slumber, indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord watches over you- the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you bye day nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from all harm- he will watch over you life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore. 

I love that verse, because it is a promise from Christ that he will never leave you, through the highs or the lows. This verse always reminds me that he holds me in his hands, and he loves me as far as the east is from the west. 

Pm me if you have any thing I can pray for you about, or if you have questions. Wishing Blessings for you all! 


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