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Hi the quote above means a lot to me, and it is very true! I can't sit here saying I am a Christian and say I am perfect, it isn't true. Christ was the only perfect human on this earth. He sent his son to save me and you and everyone! I know everyone hears all the lovie dovie things on Christianity, but I am here to set the lies to rest. Christians are not perfect people! We mess up all the time, we just believe that Christ forgives us. Now, we don't just say we are sorry, everything is good now! No! Jesus knows our hearts, he knows if we are sincere or not. I know it all sounds complicated!

Trust me, there is no sin to great that God, can't forgive! I mean he died on a cross for you! He loves you to the moon and back and that is so beautiful to me! I understand hard things happen in life, but it isn't because he hates you it's because he loves you! He loves you enough to show you that behind the pain he has a plan, behind the loss, he has a master plan. Sometimes he is correcting us because we took a wrong path. Whatever his plan is, we may never know it, but I trust him, because he never gives us things we cannot handle!

If you ever need me to pray for something for you just send me a quick PM I am always here to talk and try to explain. I don't have all the answers, but I will try my best. I hope this uplifted you today!


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