Gennis' Walk and Dréshia's Departure

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Gennis' P.O.V

I left the bus and just started walking. I dont know where i was going but i was just walking. Then i walked through this park just thinking. I sat on a bench, cupped my head with my hands and thought...about everything. My life, my career, my family, who i was gunna be, what i was gunna do and...Dreshia.

 Gennis' Thoughts:

 Everytime things go good betwwen me and Dréshia, I always find a way to fuck things up. For example when we were little, me and Dré was in art and we were having fun until I decided to melt her crayons and then freeze them. Or. Yesterday... I had to lie to her about the prank because I wanted to be cool with her again. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME AND MY MOTHERFUCKING MESSED UP EGO?!?!?!?!?

End of Gennis' Thoughts

Then some guys walked up to me.

Guy#1: What you doin' here?

Gennis: I was just walking and I saw a park and decided to walk through it.

Guy#2: Yea...okay. Dont you see nobody here?

Gennis: No but-

Guy#3: I think he tryna invade some space y'all.

Guy#1: Nah that aint gon' work!

Gennis: Look. I didnt come here to cause any trouble...soooo...I'll just leave. 

I start to walk HOPING that they let me go, but the bitches had to pull me back right? right

Guy#2: Naah my n*gga. You wanna come and invade our property then you gotta pay for it.

Gennis: Look I dont got no money on me and i didnt mean to come here. i didnt know it was "your property".

Guy#1: So now you got atttude nigga?!

Gennis: What?!?!

Guy#3: First you come in our place then you wanna give us your lil b*tch talk? Naah man dont go that way.

Gennis: Look-

Before i could finish my sentence they jumped on me and started attacking me. Then everything went black....

End of Gennis' POV

                                                                                                                                                                                -The Next Morning in the bus-

Dreshia is on her way out the bus to go to Grandma's house and everyone except Gennis is there to say their goodbyes. Everyone said their byes and 'ill miss you' 's and what's not. But everyone is a little afraid to breech the topic of Gennis for awhile.

Danniella: Hey, Tool. Where's Gennis? Isn't he gonna at least say bye?

Dreshia: Ugh i could care less if the bitch says bye.

Roc: C'mon sis,really.

Dreshia: What?! its his problem not mines.

Tool: Well uhm..I honestly dont know :/ I guess he came in late last night or something cause I didnt hear anything. And yesterday he said he was going for a walk...I guess he may have went for another one this morning.

Twist: Or maybe he just didnt wanna say bye to Dre'.

Everyone looks at Twist.

Prodigy: Dawg, why in the hell would you say that right in front of Dré?

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