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Grace was standing in the line, her foot impatiently tapping the concrete floor. The bus was late, really late, making her late, which would make her parents mad. The people around her seemed to be thinking similarly. The damn bus was late, and the people around her were not happy about it either.

Her eyes kept glancing up every few seconds to the road, to see if the bus was coming. Every time, she would look up to see no bus, just an empty road. A young man appeared beside her. He seemed to be doing something very important as he was hastily typing away at his phone. If hes waiting to get on the bus, he's lucky its late or else he would have missed it. It was cold outside, and Grace was getting tired. She ran her cold hands, which she was worried were going to freeze, through her hair.

She glanced to the side, seeing if the bus was coming. She did not see the bus, but she noticed something else instead. The man that was beside her was no longer on his phone. He had his hand in a woman's pocket. Grace was so startled, so shocked by it she didn't do anything to prevent it. Grace watched what was happening in front of her, without taking action. Her body seemed to freeze, unable to move. The man swiftly took her purse, without the woman even knowing.

Just as he was about to turn and walk away, the man seemed to notice her staring. He turned his head to look at her. Her breathing stopped, scared of being caught staring. What was he going to do? She didn't know what to expect him to do. She did just witness him stealing. Yet what he did next was none of the things she expected him to do. The man slowly brought his index finger to his lips, mouthing 'shh'. He then winked, and walked off. Grace was so stunned, that she did not notice the bus arriving.

That day, she remembered perfectly. She remembered how silent he was, how unnoticed he managed to be. Like a ghost, one minute there, the second gone. And although she knew what he did was wrong, what he did was causing someone else distress, she was somewhat amazed. 

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