Chapter 4 - New Friendships

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Isaac and Grace run. They run so fast, Grace begins to think that shes losing feeling in her legs. Her body is growing tired and lungs and chest starting to burn. Their heads are constantly looking behind them to see if they are still following them.

The two siblings lose them after a couple of turns and jumps over walls. Not only does Grace know the streets, but her brother seems to know them pretty well too. Grace wonders if he is here often. Or if he had to run like this before. It really does seem like Isaac knows what he is doing.

After what seemed like to be a billion of turns and twists, the two decide they are not being followed anymore. Both of their legs are tired, and wonder how much longer they could have run for. They stop, and lean against the wall, hands on their knees, taking in deep breaths. Their throats are dry and screaming at them for something to drink. But before Grace does, she needs to ask Isaac a few questions first.

''What the hell was that?'' she hisses at him.

He, too, is leaning against the wall, catching hs breath. He doesn't answer for some time, and Grace starts to wonder if he had heard her.

''What were you doing there?'' Not the answer Grace wanted.

'' Dont answer my question with a question, Zack. I want to know, what did you get yourself into?''

''I didn't get myself into anything.''

''It sure didn't even seem like it when we were there. How did you even find that place? ''

''No, how did you find that place, Grace? What were you doing there?''

''Stop avoiding the question! And fine, you know how I found it? I saw the message on your computer. I figured it out. And you still claim you didn't  get yourself into anything? I know you owe money to that guy.''

''You were on my computer?'' He breathes out.

'Seriously? Thats his biggest problem right now?' Grace thinks.

''Only because it wouldn't stop making noises! And stop trying to make me the bad guy here. Tell me, how much money do you have to give back to them?''

''That is none of your business, Grace. Stay out of it,'' he says, eyes cold.

''But Zack-'' I start, but he cuts me off.

''Stop! Okay! Its not like you're that innocent yourself either '' he starts walking away from me.

''Whats that supposed to mean?'' Grace asks him. What did he mean?

He turns around to face Grace. ''I know you steal. I know you pick pocket, Grace. I saw you. Now, you wanna explain that? ''

All blood drains from graves face. She wasn't expecting him to find out.

A thick silence falls between them. She has no answer. She doesn't know how to explain that. Grace stands there, mouth closed, nothing to say.

''Yeah, thought so. Now, leave it Grace, okay? ''

''Fine '' is all she says. He walks away, leaving Grace standing alone. She doesn't try to catch up with him, not now.


Grace walks home alone, taking the longer route. Although its still cold, she can barely feel it anymore. With her blood still pumping after that run. Grace wonders of she has lost any weight during that run. It was a lot of running.

What happened at the Casino fills her mind. Not only that, but Isaac knows about her stealing. 'Did he see me? Or was he told by someone else? And is he really keeping money somewhere?' Grace asks herself. Its not like she does it that often anyways. A few times at most. And it would be no surprise if the man at the 'casino' was lying either. In the end, he was in an illegal casino, but why lie?

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