Chapter 5 - Unpleasant Surprise

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After Grace reaches her home, she chirps a quick hello to her parents and dashes upstairs.

The light coming from Zack's room tells her he's home. She's about to walk past his door when she changes her mind.

She raises a hand to knock on his door, but hesitates. Should she talk to him? Explain the pick pocketing? Or should she just leave it. She doesn't want to make him even more angry.

Deciding that its better if she just talks to him, Grace knocks on his door. It's time to get some answers.

'' What? '' Isaac snaps from the other side.

'' Can I talk to you? ''

He doesn't reply. Taking that as a yes, Grace goes insode. .

Creaking the door open, she walks into his room. He's sitting on his bed, reading a book.

''Hey''  Grace says.

He looks up at her, his eyes blank.

''Hey,'' he replies, his voice stern.

Walking over to his bed, Grace sits beside him.

''Sooo, today was crazy.''

''Yeah,'' he's back to reading his book. I It looks like he's mad at Grace for what happened.

''I'm sorry, Zack. I shouldn't have been so mad at you before.'' Not wanting to fight, Grace calls a peace treaty. Grace didn't want to fight with him any more than he wanted to fight with her.

He puts down the book, and looks up, as if waiting for Grace to continue. So she does.

''I just- I got scared, Zack.'' the words rush out of her mouth. ''Scared for you, scared for me. And they were talking about money and that you have to give to back and I just- I don't know.''

''Well, there's nothing to be scared of. I'll handle the situation, Grace '' he reassures her. Somehow, Grace doesn't know whether she should believe him. Those guys seemed pretty angry. And there was three of them chasing us. There's only two of them.

''Are you sure?''

''Yes. ''

''So, how did you end up in all this anyways? '' Grace asks. Maybe this time he'll actually tell.

He sighs.

''Its not important.''

Guess not. They stay quite for a while, not saying a word. When Grace is about to get up and leave, she's stopped by Isaac.

''They tricked me '' His sudden answer surprises her and maybe even Isaac himself. He wasn't one to spill out his guts. Maybe she'll find something out after all.

''How? ''

He closes his eyes and when he opens them, he tells her.

''Well, at first they were friends. I thought they were on my side. They told me to put in more money, that they swear I win. I was stupid, I trusted them. When I lost, only then did I realise that all the guys are working together. ''

''Zack, that place isn't even supposed to be there. Can you not go to the police? ''

He scoffs. ''Like that will help.''

''I'm sure if you confess everything, you won't get in that much trouble ''

''No, Grace, its not that. The have men everywhere. They'll come after me. Not only they, but others too.''

Well, maybe he's right.

''Now, wanna explain your little pick pocketing? I gave you answers, now you'' he asks. Shoot. Grace was hoping they could have avoided that subject all together.

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