part 9

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Jillian awoke that morning. Most of what happened was a blur, which did not really matter. After all, there was no possible way that all that had really happened. She must have dreamt it all up.

This theory was shattered when Jillian went into the bathroom. The little cut that Jeff had made on her neck was still there, and the soreness in her wrists told her that everything did happen. The Slenderman, Jeff, everything. She locked the door and turned the water in the sink on just to give a bit of background noise. She hoisted herself onto the counter and tried to make sense of everything.

Jeff the Killer had spared her life, after first being in her house. He must have been planning to kill her, but he did not. The Slenderman had attempted to kill her as well. However, that somehow failed. She knew that being spared by two monsters on the same night was too good to be true. Something must have stopped the Slenderman from murdering her. It could not have had anything to do with her because she knew she blacked out.

Jillian sighed at her lack of ability to figure anything out. She gave up, and got ready for school. She wrapped a black bandana around her neck to cover the cut mark that was made the night before. It made her look more intimidating, which was not all that bad. She glanced at the calendar up in her room. At least it was a Friday.

Once at school, Jillian realized what a bad idea it was to wear the bandana. Unknown to her knowledge, it was against the school dress code. Since she was a good student and did not purposely cause trouble, her teacher gave her the option to remove it. Jillian froze and debated on what would be worse: taking the bandana off, or leaving it on.

"If you don't take that thing off," Her teacher continued. "I'm going to have to send you to the office. The choice is ultimately yours."

Jillian made no change in facial expression as she slowly removed the piece of cloth from her neck. When she did, there was a gasp from the girl sitting to her left. This girl was fairly popular and was exactly what Jillian hated. "Oh my gosh!" She screamed. "You are a sick emo fuck!"

Several other classmates were now moving to see what this other girl was screaming about. A couple of the other girls made a few snob comments, while most of the guys just laughed. The teacher told the girl who screamed to go down to the office immediately. He said that if anyone else said anything more, then they would also be sent down and would receive two weeks of detention of top of it. Everyone was quiet. One of the guys, though, stood up and said, "It's a shame that you didn't finish slitting your throat." About half the class started to laugh again.

Jillian's teacher sent her to the guidance office after the incident. Instead of going directly there, she stopped at the restroom to see how bad the damage had become. The cut was the same size, but it had healed with a layer of dark red blood over it. It looked worse than it actually was, mainly because of the swelling that had recently taken place. More blood had rushed to the cut as her body attempted to heal itself. It was puffy and redder due to the increase in the blood count in that area. She knew it was a good sized cut, but Jillian figured she could say she fell while she was sleep walking or something of the sorts tomorrow.

The guidance counselor asked her some questions about how her life at home was and how she was doing in school. Jillian said that everything was perfectly fine. When asked about the cut, Jillian responded, "I recently started taking sleeping pills because I have not been sleeping enough. I also tend to sleep walk." This was an absolute lie. "I never told my parents about it. It was the main cause for my lack of sleep. I woke up with this," she motioned to the cut. "and I probably just walked into something.

The counselor bought her lies and told her that she was free to go back to class. Jillian explained the class's reaction and asked if she could go home. She gave a fake sob speech about how she did not feel comfortable, and got a pass to leave.

Jillian ended up just walking back to her house. She tied the bandana back on and walked in the middle of the sidewalk. Since she had put her earphones in and was listening to music, the forty minute walk did not seem very long.

She unlocked the house and then locked it behind her. She went to the pantry and grabbed a few Oreos and then to the fridge to get a class of milk. When she turned from the counter, holding the glass in her hand, she jumped and dropped the glass so that it shattered on the floor. Jeff was standing right in front of her, face to face.

Before Jillian could scream, Jeff put his hand up against her mouth and pressed down. "Shh" He said in a monotone voice. She froze and did not make a sound. He turned her around so that she was facing away from him. Then, he raised the knife to her neck so that the blade was pressed against the fabric of the bandana. "We're going to take a little walk, understood?" He growled in her ear.

Jillian nodded, not daring to use her voice. Jeff basically pulled her up to her room and then pushed her on the floor. Jillian turned around so that she was looking at the killer. She stood above her, knife in hand. His permanent smile dripped blood off the corners. He knelt down to her level and lifted her chin up with the blade of his knife. "So…" He began. "Who the hell are you?"

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