part 17

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Jeff came back in his room and placed the blanket over Jillian. She had eaten about three fourths of the sandwich. He asked her if she wanted anything else, to which she shook her head. There was a knock from the outside of the room. Jeff turned his head towards the opened door and watched as his own knife flew from the doorway and hit into a wall on the other side of the room. Though this was far away from the bed and where Jillian was, Jeff still tensed up. Jane walked in and smiled maliciously.

"Awe, how adorable." She laughed. "I think your friend is going to be a little limp for a while."

Jeff had to fight the urge to pounce on her and scratch her eyes out with his fingers. She simply turned and left the room. Jeff got up and pulled out his knife from the wall, then shoved it into the pocket of his hoodie.

"Jeff?" Jillian asked, again in a soft voice. Jeff turned and looked at her big brown eyes. "Why are you so…like this with me?"

"Um…" Jeff began, not sure how to explain himself. "I might have a…crush…on you."

"Oh." She said in response. Jeff could see the red flushed to Jillian's cheeks. He kind of liked it.

Jeff's eyes flashed to the blood on her shirt. His urge to kill was increasing. He must have been too distracted by protecting her to really let it take a hold of him. Now, his eyes were glued to the dark red stain on her stomach. He thought about tearing out every stitch, hearing her scream at the pain. He could shove his hand inside and feel her organs, even pull them out. He continued to let his mind wander as he thought of the many scenarios and fantasies that could play out.

"J…Jeff? What…what are you doing?"

While Jeff was allowing his mind to wander, he did not pay attention to what his body was doing. He brought back his focus, and found that he had crawled half way up Jillian's body on the bed so that his face was at level with the stitched up cut. All of the fantasies that had just raced through his head could become a reality in a split second. Jeff's eyes became wild as he tried to hold back the feeling, but her blood was right there. She would not even be able to fight. It would be perfect. He could splatter her red liquid all over the walls of his very own room. Jeff lowered himself a little further, deciding that he would start by pulling out the stitches like he originally thought.


He looked up and locked eyes with her. Damn it, he thought. Jeff's mind may have wanted to kill her, but it was replaying images of the dead girl's body in his arms again. As a result, Jeff's body would not let him make any move that could hurt this girl that was identical in looks to the child. Instead, Jeff only lowered his head and rested it on the Jillian's stomach, while the rest of his body became motionless. If he had eyelids, he would have closed them. All he could do was let his eyes unfocus and listen to Jillian's breathing.

Jillian brought her hand up and gently petted Jeff's black hair. Jeff could feel a strange sense of pleasure pulse through his body as she did. It was…nice.

After lying for about twenty minutes, Jeff decided it was time to bring her home. She would at least be safer there, and he no longer had to worry about Slenderman trying to kill the girl, but he would definitely be keeping an eye on Jane.

Jeff got up and wiped some of the blood off his face. "Do you think you can stand for a couple seconds?" He asked Jillian.

"I think so." She responded. Her voice was a little louder, so she must have gotten a bit of strength back.

Jeff helped her stand up and wrapped the blanket around her. She was already broken, so the last thing she needed was to get a cold or anything from being out in the middle of the night. Jeff kneeled down in from of her with his back to her. "Get on."

She laughed a little. "Like a piggyback ride?"


Jillian moved towards Jeff and put her hands on his shoulders. He stood up and grabbed her legs so that they were wrapped around his waist. She held on to one of her wrists around his neck to keep from falling backwards. Jeff also kept this in mind, and crouched over a little move while standing up with her so that she would not fall.

They got down the stairs and Hoodie help the door open as Jeff walked out of the house with her. She was not the lightest thing in the world, but also not the heaviest. He walked and felt her nuzzle her face into the crook of his neck when the winds blew. Again, Jeff felt a strange sense of pleasure run through him. It seemed to make his body warmer, and he wanted more of the girl's touch.

Once they got to the Jillian's house, Jeff got the spare key from under the mat as he had watched her do before. He quietly got in, and it was not like being quiet was something Jeff was bad at, so not a single sound was made. Jeff walked up the stairs with her to her room and kneeled down by the bed so Jillian could get off. When she did, she sat on the bed and went to lie down. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I want to check your stomach and make sure it did not open up or anything." Jeff said, not making eye contact with her.

"Okay, sure."

Jeff sat on the bed next to her and was suddenly embarrassed. He cleared his throat. "Um…"

"It's fine. I don't care." Jillian said, but Jeff did not move. She sighed, and lifted her shirt up just enough so that he would be able to see the stitches.

The cut was perfectly fine, but Jeff could not say a word. The amount of skin showing off the girl's body was…something, but he could not pinpoint any actually feeling that it gave him. It was similar to the one he got when Jillian pushed her face into his neck and when he was resting his head on her stomach, except, this feeling was not going through his entire body. It was more so…concentrated on one part of his body.

"Yeah…yeah, it's fine." Jeff finally managed, having to clear his throat afterwards.

Jillian rolled her eyes at his awkwardness. "It's funny when you act human."

"Haha." They sat for a moment. "I'm…sorry for everything." Jeff said, sighing as though he had just lost a bet.

"It's okay. I mean, what else should I expect when a killer has a crush on me?" She smiled at him. "I kind of want to sleep."

"No one's stopping you." Jeff retorted.

Jillian lied down and pulled the covers over herself, since there was no way she would be able to change. She closed her eyes, but could feel Jeff still watching her. Then, she felt him crawling under the covers with her. She opened her eyes and looked at him to make a comment, but before she could open her mouth, Jeff's arms were wrapped around her and had pulled her own lips against his. Neither moved for a few seconds, then they simultaneously pulled away from each other.

Jillian was about to talk, but Jeff cut her off.

"Shut up and just go to sleep."

Loving a Killer (a Jeff. the killer romance)Where stories live. Discover now