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I can hear voices in the distance...... But I knew they were close because they were talking about me. "See you finish the job~good work." A female voice said chuckling under her breath. "Yea....she put up a fight but gave up at the end......wasn't really worth shit." The rapist grumbled making my body tense . This was planned? But who would do this me? "As long as the job is get rid of her......she should be reported missing by now" the female mumbled, clearly annoyed. So this is it...I get raped then thrown away where nobody won't ever find me.....I want to cry but there was no energy left in me. I was drain....broken......mostly numb. I let out a frail whimper as my body was hosted up. "Heh....I feel almost sorry for you..." My rapist whisper lowly enough for me to hear. So, he feels sorry....heh, I almost wanted to laugh. He held my body tight as he carried me out lord knows where and began to wonder. At first, I wasn't listening to where he was gonna dump me until I heard crunching underneath his foot......we must be in the woods .....but where? Before I could put any thought into where we were, I made a rough impact with the ground , in which, knock the breath out of my lungs but I didn't complain. "Good luck on finding your way back." The rapist chuckled before leaving, Yes I said it.....leaving because the leaves announced his disappearance. I waited to make sure he left before opening my eyes. Everything was blurry to where I couldn't see where the hell I was. "H....elp" I chocked out but not loud enough. "H....elp .....p-please!" I squeaked clearly knowing I was on the verge of crying. I was gonna die out into the woods alone. "Don't be afraid .....for this.....this is your beginning of a NEW life" a voice echoed throughout the woods. New life? I didn't ask but all I did "" I repeated before dozing off into a deep slumber.

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