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~Prestons POV~

As I walk into school I'm immediately greeted by Garret. "Hey Preston!"

"Hey Garret."

"What's up Pres?"

"Nothing really." I say trying to hide the bruise from last night. I pull down my sleeve to cover it up, in case the make up didn't work.

"You ok Preston?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just can't wait for practice!" I say trying to sound exited. "Well I gotta go Garret but I'll catch you later?"

"Actually yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure...... Are you ok?"

"Uh yeah, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the school carnival after school tomorrow ?"

I feel a little better " sure!!!"

"Awesome, I'll pick you up tonight?"

"Uh can we meet here actually?"

"Yeah sure... Is everything alright?"


"Ok well I'll see you tonight then."

"Ok! Well I have to go, bye Garret!

He chuckles "bye Pres."

Garret and I have become closer in the past couple days.

Our friendship isn't to the point where we can share secrets like little school girls at a sleepover, but we are still good friends.

As I get to practice I hear Alex. "Hey Preston! 'Uh yeah, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the school carnival after school?' Hm who am I?" He says laughing.

So he heard Garret. "Ugh just shut up Alex! I realize that you hate Garret for some odd reason cause he's really nice and all but you don't have to be a complete ass to him! He is my friend Alex, and I'm sorry that I didn't realize that friends can't hang out with each other!" I storm off, clearly pissed.

I hear Alex call out, "sure whatever you say Preston, god you're so naive" and I hear him chuckle a bit.

As I walk away my mom calls me, "Preston! Are you there?" She Sounds worried.

"Yeah what's wrong mom?"

"Dalton is hurt, you need to come down to the hospital!"

All I heard was Dalton........ Hurt........Hospital......

I hang up.

When the bell rang I ran out of the school, get into my car. Dalton, my twin brother, is hurt. It was probably that stupid baseball! I'm not going to be able to go to practice today, but Dalton is more important.


~Alex's POV~

Preston never showed up to practice today. But why should I care! That pain in the ass won't be able to bother me today. Thank god!

Coach has us running around the track that surrounds our football field before we start practice because we can't have our cleats on the track. When we get done I hear coach. "Does anyone know where Harris is?!"

I hear one kid say "uh I overheard her on the phone, I think her brother was hurt, so she ran to the hospital."

Preston has a brother? How didn't I know this? Ugh why am I thinking about her again. That's all she does is cause me migraines. I hear coach groan. "Does anyone have Harris's number? Someone needs to call her because this practice is the most important practice so far, she can't afford to miss it, unless she wants Alex to play for her."

Wait, did he just say she was the starting quarterback?!

Everyone is silent, I have Prestons phone number, but do I want to give up my position on the team for Preston Harris? The girl who's smart ass remarks give me headaches, who every insult I say to her, she has something equally bad to say back to me. The girl that was tough enough to make the team, and actually get starting quarterback. I hear my buddy James say something to me. "Dude, why are you just staring into space. What are you thinking about?"

"What? Oh, nothing." I say quickly.

"Dude are you thinking about that hot girl on the team that's not here? If so I don't blame you." He whistles. For some reason that makes me tense up.

"Don't...." I say.

He smirks. "Mhm, I knew it, you like Preston don't you!" He points at me laughing.

"What?! No I don't!" I punch his arm...hard.

"Look, I won't tell her dude, I promise." He says snickering. He holds out his pinky. I slap his hand away.


When practice is over I walk over to coach.

"Hey coach." I say.

"Oh hey Alex, what's up?"

" you said you wanted Prestons number?"

"And your just willing to give up your starting spot for this girl?"

When he puts it like that it sounds so stupid. I don't like Preston! Why is everyone implying that I do?!

"What if I didn't?" I say handing him Prestons number on a piece of paper.

"Then you wouldn't play anyway, cause I would've suspended you from the team for being such a selfish bastard to Preston."

"Then I'm glad I gave you her number." I say.

"I'm glad too, because I wouldn't want to lose my star player." He says. I chuckle and walk out of his office to my car. The words from earlier still ring in My head from earlier. I don't like her. I thought. She's just some stupid girl who is jut like the others.

I can't like her.... Right?

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