Metal Bats and Mascara tears

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~ Alex's POV~

I looked everywhere.. I can't find Preston. A million thoughts race through my mind as I continue to look for her, when I could easily be in my bed asleep, but I continue to look for her anyway.

Finally I call her " Preston?" I hear her sniffle,

" yeah?"

" ok I need you to tell me where you are so I can come get you."

"But maybe I don't wanna be found right now Alex! I'm a wreck outside and inside, and I don't want anyone to see me like this."

" Just tell me where you are Preston!"

" No"

" fine bye!" I hang up. Why can't she just let me pick her up?! Whatever I tried to be nice, she can just go ask her fucking boyfriend Garret to pick her up, she'd probably like that better anyway.

~ Preston's POV~

Ugh! Alex just makes me angry! Why the hell does he even care that I'm not there?! It's better for him anyways, cause now he can be starting quarterback. I take out my phone and start to dial in Garret's number.

" H-hey Garret?"

" Preston?! Are you ok? What's wrong?"

" Just p-please come get me Garret"

" I'll be right there Preston, tell me where you are"

"I don't know where I am Garret..."

" Thats ok, I'll find you. I'll keep looking until I find you. Don't worry Pres, I'll be there soon"


After standing for over an hour, I finally take a seat on a thin metal bench, waiting for Garret to come find me. I see my reflection in the bench. Black marks under my eyes, from where my mascara ran down my olive skin.

Blotches of foundation missing from my face from me wiping the tears away. My hair in knots from running my fingers through it so many times.... And Garret has to see me like this... Granted there's nothing that I can do to make myself look better, but I try anyway.

I see the bright lights of a car, so I stand up and wait for it to pull over near me. As the windshields roll down, I see a middle aged man staring me down. " hey pretty lady, waiting for someone?" I see him eyeing me up and down as he says this. " um, yes I am actually"

" well how about I take you where you need to go to save your friend some trouble." He winks at me.

" oh I'm ok but thank you anyway."

" oh you think I was asking you? No I wasn't."

He gets out of the car and forcefully grabs my waist and hoists me over his shoulder to try to get me into his car. As soon as he picks me up, a car pulls up behind his and a very angry Garret comes out and sees the man with me kicking and screaming on his shoulder.

Garret comes running over with a metal baseball bat in his hands. He approaches the man and hits him multiple times until he lets go of me and falls to the ground "Preston are you ok?!?!"

Is all I hear until I fall to the ground unconscious.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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