A date with Garret

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~Prestons POV~

"Hey Pres!" I hear Garret say behind me.

" Oh hey Garret, what's up?"

"Oh nothing, so are we still on for tonight?"

I had completely forgot.... " oh uh yeah.. What should I wear. Where are we going?"

"Well if I told you where that wouldn't be any fun. And wear something comfortable. Well I have to go, I'll pick you up tonight at 7 ok?"

"Uh ok Garret, see you tonight!"

I start walking to my next class when a second later my books are on the floor.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was walking." I say.

"No I'm sorry I should've been looking where I was walking. I'm Ricky, what's your name?"

"Oh..... Uh.... I'm Preston."

"Preston Harris?!"

"Uh yeah? Why?"

"Everyone has been saying how you got starter quarterback instead of Alex!"

"I what?!"

"Yeah, and Alex is pissed. Just watch out when you see him again."

"Uh ok? But how do you know he's pissed?"

"Oh, right. I'm Alex's best friend. We've been friends since diaper days." He laughs.
Ricky is hot..... And I know I don't usually think like this but it's hard not to when a Greek god is standing in front of you!

He has sandy blonde hair, bright green eyes, and he is fit. You can see his muscles through his shirt. I feel kinda embarrassed because I'm literally eyeing him up right now though. He seemed to noticed and smiled.

Not like a smirk, but a genuine smile. I grab my stuff and start to walk away from him but he grabs my shoulder.

"Hey Preston?"


"Your new right?"

"Yeah..... Why?"

"It's only a matter of time before you gets loads of guys asking you out. It's hard for guys to not see a beautiful girl like you." He smiles.
My cheeks light up and I smile back. Did he just say I was beautiful? How do I know he isn't a player like Alex?

"I'm not a player, and you may think Alex is, but that's only because you don't know him like I do. He isn't the one to open up to people. He has a strong wall up Preston."

"I-I didn't mean to say that out loud I'm s-sorry."

"It's ok, I know you didn't mean to say that. So Preston.... I was wondering... Are you free on Saturday?" He looked nervous. How did this guy even know me?

"Uh yeah, why?"

"Do you maybe want to go out to dinner with me?"

I hear a loud voice from behind me


"Well since you never called dibs, I was simply asking Preston if she wanted to go to dinner with me Saturday."

"And what did you say Preston?!" He looks pissed.

Time for some revenge, Hehe.

"Oh," I say smirking, "I actually said yes to him, he seems really nice and he's pretty cute too."

I see his face turn about 10 shades redder. Alex was indeed mad. I turn to see Ricky and he seemed really happy. His eyes lit up when he saw mine. I smile. "Well boys, I have to go, but I'll see you later Ricky." I say winking. His smile widens even more.

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