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Hoying: Mitch, did you lie to me about what Alex told you? Like, that he still had feelings for you?
Grassi: okay first of all, why are you texting me directly? I thought you never wanted to text me again?
Grassi: second of all, WHY DO YOU THINK I WOULD LIE ABOUT THAT?!?
Hoying: just answer the question.
Grassi: I don't have to do anything.
Hoying: Mitch, would you stop being a jackass, and answer me?
Grassi: NO! I'm out of here.
Hoying: Mitch, Alex told me you lied about that.
Grassi: He what?!
Hoying: yep.
Grassi: he's lying!
Hoying: well, I don't know who to believe.
Grassi: believe me, I'm your "best""friend" or whatever. 😒
Hoying: don't say it like that.
Grassi: you changed your mind?
Hoying: we're not friends at all...
Grassi: why am I not surprised. You know what? I'm tired of you.
Hoying: at least we both agree on something.
Grassi: no, I'm tired Scott. I would love it if you just forget about me, okay? Like, we never knew each other. That'd be perfect.
Hoying: what about the group? And our friends?
Grassi: I'm going solo. Good look finding another tenor asshole.

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