Chapter 4

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"-kawa? Oh my god Iwaizumi, he's dead. I killed-" Oikawa heard chatter going on amongst Kageyama and Iwaizumi. That was weird, why was Iwaizumi in his room the first thing in the morning? Come to think of it, his pillow wasn't as soft as it normally was...

"Iwa- where am- Iwaizumi?" The Prince sat up in a panic, looking around. All he could see was grass and trees, vines and darkness.

Kageyama quickly went over to the boy to rub his back, Iwaizumi grabbed his hands and tried to calm Oikawa down.

"It's ok, I'm here Oikawa. I'm here, shh, don't panic." Once Oikawa had closed his eyes, he took a deep breath and recalled the previous day's events. When he calmed down from the soothing voice of Iwaizumi, he opened his eyes and the thing that made him pull back was not him being scared, but the fact that Iwaizumi was too close.

"I'm... I'm alive?" The Prince patted himself down, pinched himself even, to see if he was only dreaming. "But... Where am I?"

"We traveled a little past the village last night, I carried you on my back and we settled here for the night. We're closing in on the Nekoma kingdom."

     Nekoma... Nekoma... Oikawa remembered his older brother talking about the amazing decor of the palace, but that was about all Oikawa could recall of the name.

"Who's the King?" Oikawa asked, hoping at least one of the 2 boys knew.

"I believe it's King Kenma, and he has a son who is about your age, Your Highness, his-" Oikawa put his fingers up to Kageyama's lips in order to shush him.

"There's no need to call me 'Your Highness', Tobio. Simply call me Tooru, and that goes for you as well, Iwaizumi."

"If I call you Tooru, you have the right to call me Hajime, Oikawa." Oikawa nodded and smiled.

"So, where to?"

     Oikawa was sick of walking. All he could see were trees, trees and even more-

"Trees! When are we getting to the kingdom?! My feet are aching! Hajime, carry me!" Oikawa whined.

"My back and arms hurt from carrying your heavy body, Tooru. Walking isn't bad for your health, you know."

"But Hajimeeee-"

"I could try, Your- Tooru." Tobio suggested, stopping to let him on his back.

"Tobio is such a gentleman,you could learn a thing or two from hi- AHHH!" Tobio fell with Oikawa on his back, leaving him with a few grass stains on his perfect coat.

"Tobioooo," Oikawa was rubbing his arm and trying to dust the stains off of his previous jacket. "I thought you were being cool for once!"

"Be grateful that he even tried, Tooru. You're heavier than I am." Oikawa's mouth dropped.

"How dare you Iwa- Hajime! I'm always so sweet to you, how can you be so cruel to me! My heart, it's broken!"

"I can't recall you ever being sweet to me, Tooru. It must've escaped my memory."

"So mean Hajime!"

The huge palace of Nekoma was definitely no joke. It was beautiful, definitely the home of nobles. Oikawa took a deep breath, and began to walk towards the front gates, but a guard stopped him.

"What business do you have here?" The guard asked, gripping onto his sword in case of a worst-case scenario.

"I wish to talk to the Prince of Nekoma." The guard eyed Oikawa's clothes, seeming curious as to why this man had expensive looking clothing.

"Who are you?" Oikawa scoffed.

"I'm simply the Prince of Aoba Jousai, Oikawa Tooru." Oikawa chuckled as the young guard's eyes widened in surprise but then seemed to think Oikawa was suspicious.

"Why would you come here unannounced, and without many soldiers to protect you?" Oikawa wasn't sure how to reply, so he frowned while Kageyama interrupted his thinking.

"His Highness requests permission to see the Prince, I do wish that you would grant his request."

"I'll be right back." The guard said, opening the gate and taking off for the castle. Oikawa sighed in relief, knowing that the news hadn't reached the Nekoma palace.

     About ten minutes later, the guard returned with a young, small boy. As Oikawa had been informed, the boy was about his age and frail. He had blonde hair with black roots, and many jewels placed on his body. Oikawa would have mistaken him for a girl if it weren't for his semi-dark voice.

"You claim that you're Oikawa Tooru, Prince of Aoba Jousai?" The young Prince asked.

"I am, Your Highness." Oikawa bowed his head, and the Prince eyed Oikawa up and down.

"Lift your head." Oikawa's eyes met Prince Kenma's.

"Ah, I see. Let them in, Fukunaga." The young guard bowed and stood aside. As Oikawa and the rest walked through the gates, Prince Kenma sighed.

"I know you're a runaway, Prince Oikawa."

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