Chapter 16

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Blinking a new form of light from his eyes, Oikawa woke up from his light sleep. He could feel a dull ache in every part of his body, and sharp pains littered his entire body. Oikawa was experiencing the most excruciating pain he could have ever felt in his life.

It was more painful than being exiled from his own kingdom.

Oikawa could hear voices calling his name, but he wasn't sure if he was imagining it. The voice sounded very familiar though, Oikawa thought.

"To-ru! Can you-ear me?" The broken voice sounded desperate and if only Oikawa could put a finger on who it belonged to...

Oikawa realized that it was Iwaizumi's voice. And he could hear Kageyama sobbing as well. What had happened to him? All he could remember was falling, where exactly did he fall? He remembered wanting to go to the water source that Tobio-chan found, and he must've gotten distracted and fallen down this... hole? Oikawa wasn't really sure what to call it, he was barely sure of his own name at the moment.

"Haji-me. I'm-" Oikawa groaned, trying to shift a little to make his position feel better. "I'm here, Hajime."

Oh god, was that really his voice? He sounded so awful, his voice was scratchy and low.

But Oikawa could feel something was drastically wrong. He couldn't really feel his left foot. He couldn't really feel much of his body, due to his position, but his left foot definitely felt weird. Or didn't feel weird, because he couldn't exactly feel it. Regardless, Oikawa was scared that he did some major damage to his foot, something that couldn't be healed.

A while passed where he could hear Iwaizumi's strained voice, Kageyama's panicky voice, and a few voices he couldn't recognize. He laid there, not moving. If he moved, he would definitely fall down even farther than he had because he couldn't feel any support under his back. His arms were caught on rocky ledges that jutted out, and he could smell dirt and blood. It was nauseating, but he had nothing to throw up.

It wasn't the best situation for Oikawa, he would much rather be cleaning himself up and eating some bread. Instead he was completely stuck in hell.

At least he didn't have to listen to Iwaizumi's nagging.


Oikawa had been stuck in that hole the entire day. There was no easy way to get him out, according to a few soldiers who knew a few things about traps. They told Iwaizumi that this was a trap for animals and normally had a hunting trap cuff at the bottom. Iwaizumi only hoped that Oikawa had been able to avoid that part of the trap.

When Iwaizumi woke up from his sleep, he noticed that Kuroo must have returned from the wedding. Iwaizumi could see and hear him riding down the road. Kuroo jumped off his horse and jogged towards Iwaizumi, confused at the current situation.

"Oikawa got caught in an animal trap in a hole and we've been unable to get him out of there for a while. We haven't even been able to get him food or water or-"

"Sh, calm down Iwaizumi," Kuroo interrupted his worried babbling. "Oikawa is going to be okay, just give me some details so I know what I'm dealing with."

After some conversation between the two, Kuroo announced that he knew how to deal with these sort of traps, but they would need help from the Shiratorizawa kingdom.

"Alright men, I'm going to need your help." From what Iwaizumi could see, Kuroo made a very good leader, acting serious when needed. He was very intimidating, and many of the soldiers quieted down immediately.

"Oikawa Tooru has fallen into a hunting trap and we are currently unable to get him out," there was a few mumbles and he continued to talk. "I'm going to need your help as well as Shiratorizawa's help in order to get him out. It will be a large task, but I believe you all can do it."

The plan was pretty simple, Iwaizumi thought. All they really had to do was convince Shiratorizawa to let them dig to the side of the hole in order to get Oikawa out without any harm. Once a new hole was dug, they could easily access the cuff and make sure not to injure Oikawa too much in the process. Iwaizumi only prayed that it would work out, and that he wouldn't lose his best friend, his beautiful Prince, his crush that had existed since he first laid eyes on the man.

Iwaizumi sighed, hoping to get rid of his embarrassing thoughts, and took off with the group towards the Shiratorizawa gates.

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