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          I've been having a sequence of dreams lately...

No, just these several nights, actually. They're not bad ones however; just... bizarre. And I don't know why, but everytime I got some shut eye, it'd play the same scenes over and over again like a motion picture film: a quiet house on a quiet street.

I sat in my bed waiting for the alarm clock to wake me up, even though I was already awake. Fifteen more minutes, I thought to myself. The room was silent; not a sound, yet still I couldn't go back to sleep for some reason. Well of course I couldn't; it was kinda the first day of school.

           The floor board creaked.

I held my breath and glanced at the digital clock. Seven-fifty. I hope he's not going to try again today. Is he? It didn't matter, I could sense him a mile away.

               The footsteps were outside my bedroom door.

I climbed out of bed slowly hoping for no squeeky noises and stood behind the door. Whispers got louder in my head: Almost there. Almost there. Turning the doorknob. Turning the doorknob. It cracked open slowly. His head popped in as if trying to look for me. Well if it's me he wants...

          I leaned in a bit until I was a foot away from him, before letting out an effortless 'boo.' "H-holy fuck, Niall!" Louis cursed, putting one hand over his chest as if to stop his heart from jumping out. I chuckled, opening the door the rest of the way. "How come you always know?" my step-brother asked. I shrugged not knowing why myself. I just did. I've always did...

          I grew up living in an orphanage up until I was six-years old. I didn't know who my parents were, nor where I came from. But honestly, all of that doesn't matter to me anymore. I had a new family here now; yes, even if there was a hyperactive brother who's always failing to scare me. I was fine.

Except, there was something I discovered that was different about myself. No, it wasn't that I could touch my nose with my tongue or anything like that. Even though I could.

          It was something else. I'm not crazy though, but I could hear the thoughts of other people. Literally! You'd think whoa... isn't that a lot to take in? Nope, not really. You see, I didn't pick up everyone's every single thought. They were more of the main ones triggered by stronger emotions: anger, fear, excitement. Other times, by physical touch.

"Well, ready for high school, freshie?" Louis smirked.

Who was ever ready for high school?

Surviving High School With My Imaginary Fiend (Ziall AU)Where stories live. Discover now